I'm part of an emergency vehicle upfitter's group - those guys who add equipment to LE vehicles like emergency lighting, K9 kennels, radios, etc. The most common questions we ask each other usually are "where can I connect to a park-sense line..." or similar. All the...
It's amazing what can be done - years ago, a friend of mine needed an air conditioner for a railroad passenger car that he was converting to a railroad museum car. He needed AC for this car (sealed windows), but wanted a unit that was more efficient than the state-of-the art for passenger car AC...
The engine-driven AC is designed to cool the module when it's loaded with people and a door open. It will definitely do the job if it's correctly charged. Virtually all of the 120 volt stand-by AC systems run about 11,000 BTU. This lets them operate on a 30 amp circuit.And that also matches well...
Several problems (challenges?) with adapting a mini-split AC to an RV include
--Where to install the condenser unit
--How to protect the condenser from vibration.
Where is the first challenge, but vibration protection goes hand in hand:
. Hoseline offers two locations: under the body (bottom...
Hoo boy -- I could spend a long time on this one.
My buggy has 4" clearance goung through my garage door, which meant no simple (and cheap) RV AC. Instead, I decided to install the standard ambulance stand-by AC. Built by Hoseline, it includes a dual evaporator with a hot water heating coil and...
I'm still here - just the usual summer family stuff plus some home projects to keep my spare hours occupied.
I've been reading news articles about truck tires that have come off and rolled down the road, wiping out anything they came close to, and it got me worried. Back in the old days, when I...
I've seen Stanley Vidmar and Lista used as on-board storage. As long as you can secure all the drawers closed for travel, either with a cabinet lock or a separate lock bar, they would work. However, you definitely don't want to do this with home shop-level tool chests. Traveling with a loaded...
I've planned - and then erased - many ideas for an ambulance bed. I tossed around using RV recliners in place of the squad seat - then I remembered that there is a wheel well hump that I have to avoid. Then, I thought about some sort off an RV folding sofa - the challenge with a folding sofa is...
I bought an Isotherm refrigerator just after I retired (when I had some extra bucks). While I'm waiting to get it installed, I've been running it on a 20 amp power supply. It's a great way to keep beverages cool while you're working.
It makes sense to have someplace in your vehicle to stash cash/passports/whatever, but it can be as simple as a hotel room type of safe that's bolted someplace. I also like a weapons box that installs within a driver's console for easy access.
If someone really wants to get in, anything can be...
One solution to visible screws is to use stainless oval head screws with finishing washers. That's been my solution for years, and they work well. Finishing washers are available ( with either a plain base, or a flanged base. The flanged bases work well if you're screwing...
Pat, I'm going to use Rear View Safety equipment with two rear cameras. One aimed as a rear view camera, and the other aimed to include the hitch. My plan is for the rear view to be the default camera, and switch to the hitch-view when the vehicle is in reverse.
Hunt up Blue Sea's website (, and check out their battery combiners and isolators. I, as well as many other any emergency vehicle upfitters and ambulance electricians, use Blue Sea equipment.
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