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  1. J

    Looking to set up a solar charging station for E-bike batteries

    Obviously if you decide on 48V as your standard, you would not order packs at a different voltage. There are very few commercial pack builders that make a decent product at all, much less the IMO essential specs I outlined. If you want good quality you purchase a big lot of the desired cells...
  2. J

    Looking to set up a solar charging station for E-bike batteries

    Endless-Sphere is a better forum for this topic. There are good solar controllers that output 48V range, usually PWM and boosting voltage from the panel output. Better to look for MPPT for efficiency, buck converting down to 48V battery storage. 48V is a good "system backbone" voltage...
  3. J

    Opus Fridge Freezer

    First question is, who is the OEM? My guess is Indel-B They still use Secop (was Danfoss) likely BD35F-HD
  4. J

    Is it legal to mount a small 5 lb propane tank horizontally on one's roof rack?

    Not talking laws just practical safety. On the side is fine for spares, if filling in relatively cool conditions underfill, like 70% rather than the usual 80% but never operate that way unless designed specifically for that. Cover it up. Ensure rack is VERY strong, enough to keep it from...
  5. J

    Antigravity w/ Bluetooth v Battleborn Heated batteries

    Which gives access to cell/group level voltages, so you can verify balancing progress? Are balance setpoints adjustable? Start voltage, delta stop point? Maximum charge rate allowed? Discharge? Ability to connect how many in parallel? Series? The warming feature is nice, but not hard to...
  6. J

    Basic Question: Looking for wiring diagram, Solar + DC to DC charger

    If you want both batteries charged off solar say you leave the vehicle stored outdoors without shore power available then the SC can go to Starter and the DCDC will pass it through to House assuming it has a VSR/ACR type switch built in, as the good ones do.
  7. J

    How Badly Did I Screw Up Here?

    "trickle charger" denotes the super crappy old school garage chargers without charge regulation or even termination. low amps is fine for trickling Maintainer with 3-stage intelligence is what you want. Optimate Tecmate is an example But a high-amp charger is fine too, so long as it is...
  8. J

    How Badly Did I Screw Up Here?

    A small solar panel is plenty to keep a Starter batt topped up, even in cloudy weather, in the shade maybe 40W unless you have shore power available, then a small AC-DC "maintainer"
  9. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    Only true for the portable ones regulated by DOT. ASME fixed ones not
  10. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    Local propane shop, or even a general gases dealer should be able to inspect and update the date stamp for $15-40
  11. J

    Renogy DCC30S (or 50S) Grounding Question

    The car battery (Starter) is not involved. The House battery is on the target side. On the source power (engine) circuit, all the energy drawn by the DCDC is coming from the alternator. These devices are specifically designed to work around the purposefully designed charging limitations of...
  12. J

    Renogy DCC30S (or 50S) Grounding Question

    Maybe you are thinking AC principles. DC only, in a vehicle, the Common Reference can and should be tied in to multiple points, metal housing points marked "ground" etc wherever you like. Trailer, camper etc included. The Negative Return paths are separate and designed to be a much lower...
  13. J

    Renogy DCC30S (or 50S) Grounding Question

    There is no real Ground there in the true sense of an Earth reference, as in thick copper buried deep in wet ground. Vehicles are "floating", an isolated system. As I stated, the negative side should match the positive half of the circuit, to create a clean low resistance return path, same...
  14. J

    Renogy DCC30S (or 50S) Grounding Question

    Any charger should have a home run pair to the target battery. And loads as well, IMO never rely on chassis ground for anything expensive, important or high-current.
  15. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    Menards has them
  16. J

    Simultaneous charging from MPPT and alternator

    The degree of damage from charging cold cells varies by C-rate and just how cold. Just going from T-shirt weather to sweater weather can make a huge difference i with high currents. Do not charge at all getting down to freezing. Discharging is not harmful, but power output is crippled
  17. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    It can be a challenge to find a certified professional willing to help noob DIYers but IMO worth doing when you get to deadly serious volumes like that. Not saying the right sort of nerd noob cannot figure things out and remain safe, but... I met a guy using horizontal forklift 40# aluminium...
  18. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

  19. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    See the first post that is the topic of this thread
  20. J

    Refilling 1lb tanks at home

    Yes a scale is how to be accurate. Stay under 80% especially in cold weather. When it gets warm the pressure relief popping is of course venting LPG. I would not refill disposables at all personally, now that 1# refillables exist would not use them full stop