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  1. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Still stuck at customs though (3 hours already!) :coffee:
  2. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Wonderful, happy to share the spirit of your travel through your posts, Scott!
  3. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Would'nt YOU do the same in the US for someone from Europe? I would do it - and have already done it - for anybody from anywhere without doubt. Just because it's so nice when it happens to you!:)
  4. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Regarding Trabzon Offroad Kulubu, if you ever come accross Turkey again, here is where you'll get all the adequate information
  5. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Hi guys, Thanks for the posts. Georgia as a country is not in a very good state and has many problems with Russia. Though christian, the country's not a latin country. It lies somewhere in between two worlds. Glad to hear that little Jimny is fit enough to go on and you don't yet need us to...
  6. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Gone! Now in Batumi, off to find a place to relax for the night...:victory:
  7. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Looks like he didn't get very far since :Wow1: Is he looking for another Giorgia???
  8. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    On the road again after a day off in one of the most emblematic cities of the world, good move, Scott! Take care, and thanks for the feedback.
  9. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Istanbul is indeed wonderful, there's that unique atmosphere that makes you feel half in the West half in the East. Enjoy your beers cause you well deserve them !!! :) But be warned, don't get too late in bed, caus' the muezzin is likely to wake you up earlier than you expected tomorrow :Wow1...
  10. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    No wonder so many romanians are filing for a job in Western Europe, and prefer to stay illegally in Europe rather than to go back to their 3rd-wordly country... :Wow1:
  11. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Bloody romanians:Wow1:
  12. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Scott, thanks for your comments on Very kind of you.:) Tell us more about what you think of the Eastern Europe countries (Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary) : do they really fit in the EEC from your traveller's point of view? :Wow1: Are you happy with the route you've...
  13. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Don't stop for too many beers, my friend :beer:
  14. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    He's near Munich right now...
  15. franeuro

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Can't help but follow your trip on Spot...Hope this trip's beginning sofar meets your expectations. Take care, :smiley_drive: