Hmmm I have noticed that the Ford Ranger, and Toyota Lineup is much different in the rest of the world....rated for so much more weight then they are in North America (well ok we do not have the Hilux/Landcruiser line up...but compareable sized trucks), but do not really have anything "beefed...
No one has used this in the past?
As I said I have tried suppliers for Versalite and Laminux up in Canada (Trying to stay East of Ontario), but to no avail.
Well I am having issues getting FRP Skins. Emails go unanswered and calls well, calls lead to messaging servers...and I have yet to get calls back after weeks, and multiple attempts. Anyways....I got a lead on Filon...commonly used to skin the outside of RV's....anyone used it in the past...
Hmmm it is good points, but the other option is a Transit Cab and Chassis. It has a few things the F150 doesn’.
1. Slightly more payload
2. More wide spread support for repair
3. More overall length
4. Wider track in the rear
5. Most are RWD
Well then name a Pick Up from Canada that is not going to be out of place. How about showing me where in Canada might I locate a Ford Ranger from other parts of the world with a lot better payload then you can get on a half ton in N.A.
Show me a non RTT setup that is common to be found in...
Well our smaller trucks here in Canada do not have a lot of Payload to play with. Best I have seen is 708 kg.
As for RTT, that may work for some people, but as two retired Veterans with Medical issues, they are the absolutely last thing we are looking at.
Might make more sense part and repair wise, but what sort of pick ups do you see? If you say in Canada they are only rated for 708kg.
Steering clear of RTT, there is not many SUV that meet requirements of 2 separate beds, while being self contained. Well unless you run 2 and...
Good day folks,
I am after already planning and ordering stuff to build one overlander. Sadly there was an issue and the camper portion was written off during shipping. At the same time I got a great offer and sold the M35A2 I had to go with it.
So now I am back to planning. Anyways...
Well, I am in the process of planning my overlander and contacting sources for supplies. This kind of info is worth more to me then gold.
Even an F150 with max payload can be easy to overload, even when making plans for a composite panel camper.
I would like to stay in as small a vehicle as...
Well, IDK what to call it.....good luck or bad luck...but the crew that was delivering the camper dropped it off the side of The truck...and totaled it. Well I am the hook for the trailer effectively, waiting for them to drop by the cheque in the next few days.
See what future awaits the ol M35
@Victorian After reading over this forum time and time again I have read numerous posts and threads about people building their own Composite Sandwich Panels, and their own boxes. Why do you feel the need to come off as insulting here?
Alrighty boys and anyone know some reliable suppliers of FRP skins, epoxies and sandwich core material for the east coast of Canada .... he has looked at predone boxes, but shipping gets ridiculous
So, after talking to him more, and some long hours. He would like a 15’ total composite box on a 15’ subframe, then attached to the chassis via 3 pt mount. Is it safe to do so with out extending the frame?
I understand the chassis can handle it, but for example....if he put a 14’ box on it, roughly 10 is on the frame, and 4’ isn’t. Worried about the unsupported overhang of the box/subframe
Good day folks,
My friend has a 2017 F550 Crew cab & Chassis (84" CA, 204" Wheel base, and 289" length overall). He is curious about getting a custom box built for the back of this so him and his wife can do some light off roading with a comfortable camper built on the back. He does not...
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