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  1. dangerbus

    Where are you now? OFFICIAL MAYA RALLY In Progress thread!

    Mostly just driving for us yesterday trying to make sure we finish. Team Astrid caught up with us (passed us) as we passed over the hills in northern Oaxaca (amazing considering we have no phone and hadn't heard from them for 2 days). They had a bit of trouble getting started... Is that...
  2. dangerbus

    theDangerz- still going, different rig, new adventures

    Currently driving south in the middle of the 3rd official day of the Maya Rally. Most teams grouped up and headed out together, but given our slow speed we decided it may be better to travel on our own, as always. Had an awesome experience last night while trying to gather some points for the...
  3. dangerbus

    Where are you now? OFFICIAL MAYA RALLY In Progress thread!

    Team 31 (theDangerz) checking in from Puebla. Mostly just driving today after spending much of yesterday getting lost in the forests around the Mariposa reserve. Ended up sleeping in the forest next to a ranch in the middle of the reserve after a few "interesting" moments with the senora who...
  4. dangerbus

    Where are you now? OFFICIAL MAYA RALLY In Progress thread!

    wow. for the slowest team we are getting a late start from GTO! :coffee: Yesterday was a blast with the policia convoy through town and then the Offroading at the GTO center above the city read and see more pics of the madness here
  5. dangerbus

    Where are you now? OFFICIAL MAYA RALLY In Progress thread!

    Three days into the work with the boys in Irapuato. great experience and the teams are getting a ton done here on the ground with the boys just finished another long day and are finishing up some projects and setting up our tents on the lawn in front of the boys' home. they're stoked...
  6. dangerbus

    theDangerz- still going, different rig, new adventures

    Feels so good to be back on the road :wings: Didn't realize how shifty we were getting sitting in that apartment until we pulled away... cant help but log a new post everyday with the number of photo ops that keep coming our way! Driving east into central mexico and have had only great stops...
  7. dangerbus

    Cell Phones?

    wow. :drool: we an ipad with no service, but it's occasionally been known to connect to wifi at the bars) no phone, no gps, no nothin' unless skype counts. compared to us you guys look like the space shuttle in terms of communication... that's awesome. but it terms of...
  8. dangerbus

    theDangerz- still going, different rig, new adventures

    It seems clear now that renting a place for a month could possible have the opposite effect on us and drive us even further away from normalcy. We have 9 days left in our apartment here in el Anclote and are itching to hit the road. We are spending our time designing possible artwork for the...
  9. dangerbus

    Official thread - Maya Rally Registration Registration Details and Latest Updates

    im assuming its too late as well...but we would second the smaller request if indeed there is time. I also loved the shirt you show on facebook with the large logo on the back! =) (all from the guy who's just happy you even thought to make shirts and will be happy with whatever makes it down...
  10. dangerbus

    Official thread - Maya Rally Registration Registration Details and Latest Updates

    whats with all the fancy numbers? :drool: good thing katie sent the actual address...sadly we arent equipped with gps...
  11. dangerbus

    bringing sand/traction devices with you?

    ha! youre right. that might be more helpful... but im not sure we have enough room to strap that up top on the rack. =)
  12. dangerbus

    bringing sand/traction devices with you?

    We are certainly open to the ideas of those of you who have spent more time offroading, but my recovery strap certainly doesnt do a ton of good in the middle of a beach with no trees or other vehicles around. :Wow1: So far weve gotten out every time by letting some air out of the tires, digging...
  13. dangerbus

    bringing sand/traction devices with you?

    hi guys. i was wondering if anyone coming down might be willing to strap an extra set of sand tracks/traction devices on their roof for us. one of our only regrets is not picking these up before we left the states... We could have used them a handful of times already between our drives offroad...
  14. dangerbus

    Do we need a car permit to drive the lenght of Baja?

    As I understood it this is still technically true, but there is a way to go around the checkpoint midway down (ill see if i can find the blog from the couple who went around). I dont think the checkpoint was even manned when we blew past it- so a guess you could play the odds. either way, you...
  15. dangerbus


  16. dangerbus

    Post Rally Planning - Belize and Guatemala

    We are undecided at this point whether to cut back across to the pacific or head south, but it seems like south through Belize/Guatemala might be easier than backtracking... Either way, we will likely getting out of the cancun area as fast as we can and back to beaches without the masses!
  17. dangerbus

    Baja - Mazatlan Ferry - how soon should participants reserve their tickets?

    sorry man... im just stumbling upon these threads now and trying to catch up... :smilies27 what day are you booked to come across?
  18. dangerbus

    Baja - Mazatlan Ferry - how soon should participants reserve their tickets?

    just thought id post our experience since it was less than a month ago. you'll be fine getting a ticket at the harbor. i'd recommend ging a day or two in advance to see how fast its filling, and the camping at Playa Tecolote overnight (or a few days) before your departure. awesome beach we...
  19. dangerbus


    of course! i would recommend NOT booking hotel rooms and simply camping your way through. some of our stops were among if not the best campsites we've ever had in our lives, and we've camped all over the PNW. if you guys are looking to caravan because the company sounds fun, cool. if you're...