My experience is that for general small parts mercedes dealers in europe are quick and fairly cheap. With your reg number they can get you anything from a single trim clip to a new chassis. In the USA the same is often not the case, and you'd do well to make friends with someone who lives near a...
It's likely that the 1428 is a stretched tractor chassis. I don't know much about this truck but 280 hp was a fair amount of power for its day and would have been unusual in a rigid truck. It could have been a special from the factory. I would be willing to bet that with the right final gearing...
That’s some neat work with a grinder! I hate cutting circles with an angle grinder, I have some huge and expensive hole-saws from being too lazy to use a grinder. For 3mm a decent blade on a jigsaw might have been easier, although you have to go slow as they get extremely hot. I burnt through...
I got a big 3/4 inch sykes pickavant torque wrench off ebay for about £70 a few years back. It goes up to 1015 Nm so plenty for most lug nuts. It's the type that breaks in the middle when you get tot the specified torque. Do similar deals not crop up elsewhere in the world?
I also carry a...
nice work bro!
How did you cut out the new pieces of steel?
Do you have to integrate some kind of thermostatically activated heat dump in the boiler circuit to prevent the coolant boiling if you cant dissipate the heat fast enough through the heat exchanger?
I think he's talking about putting something on the ladder rungs to stop you slipping off. Some grip tape would be fine if you find it's dangerous I guess.
Hi Paul,
Whenever I designed mounts for items in my truck, I always tried to imagine whether the item would remain in place if I managed to roll the truck onto its roof. Ruining my truck would be enough to put a downer on my day, but if I killed my dog when 400kg of water fell on him I would...
Because of the cutoff pressure on my engine mounted compressor, it's all but impossible to inflate my truck's tyres past about 105 psi. This is plenty to get some air back into a tyre in an emergency but the tyres give better mileage at about 115psi. I looked at the compressors made by Oasis...
Most (all?) east coast ports require you to have a TWIC card to access the docks. Without the card you'll need an escort to take you around. Regardless of the legal requirements, the process of collecting a vehicle in the US is not nearly as straightforward as it is in Europe, and it's useful to...
Have you visited Jay at Couch offroad in Denver, or Rob Pickering at Terry Lee Enterprises in La Junta? Both have a stock of Unimogs for sale so it might save you some money and hassle if you look at theirs first.
Hi Iain,
I met the owner of the newer atego truck below whilst staying at the (only) rv park in new York city. I can't seem to post the link as an image on tablet.
His blog isn't great but as you both...
I learnt that the hard way too. I ended up quitting my job and still spent nearly 7 months full time, that was with a truck that needed no mechanical work and already had a nice box on the back.
Jim's sitting forlorn and unused in the back yard. I've got a long list of repairs and improvements to make when the whether warms up, but for now I'm stationary in London. It's about 45 here, the winters been pretty tame even by SE England standards. All the best from the civilised old world
I got struck by curiosity about this again and started doing some research. I am still none the wiser, and cannot get a photo without tilting the cab, but I did work out that it is attached to the suction pipe of the air compressor. Presumably this travels across the back of the engine to take...
you get used to it in no time. The only time I need help is when turning right onto a road at an oblique angle. At 90 degrees junctions you can see out of the passenger window, and at on-ramps onto the freeway you can see out of the wing mirror, but anything in-between requires passenger...
Hi, I paid £485 for a 450 litre rectangular tank, and £95 each for two 65 litre triangular shaped tanks. EMPF was less than half the price of TEK Tanks, and the quality is great.
Regarding the heat exchanger, if you are intent on doing an on demand system using engine heat, I would just fit the...
Hi there,
you can get absolutely everything you need in the UK, you just need to look in the right places.
1.Split charge system. Many people use the Battery to Battery chargers from Sterling, I have one and I have been reasonably happy with it. It may work well in your application as it...
I've now added a load of additional photos to the blog, all as links to photobucket and flickr galleries.
You can find photos I took when converting Jim in the 'Converting Jim' tab...
And you can find photo's of our recent trip in the 'North and Central America' tab.
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