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  1. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    I have a spare on my trailer. I don't see any need to run the same tires and wheels. Using any hub adapter will make the tire/wheel stick out past the fenders and adds stress to the hub assembly.
  2. mep1811

    Thermometer to see outside temps

    I use this but don't forget to bring the sensor in
  3. mep1811

    where are the Porsche cayenne expo builds?

    I should mention in order to keep the manual tranny I had to keep the list of options limited. Add Zenon headlights lose the manual transmission you know the drill.
  4. mep1811

    where are the Porsche cayenne expo builds?

    My Cayenne is a base model with a manual transmission.
  5. mep1811

    where are the Porsche cayenne expo builds?

    My biggest regret was not getting the air suspension.
  6. mep1811

    where are the Porsche cayenne expo builds?

    The light bar was made my local fabricator. I used Bug-Out-Rack for the water ,propane mounts. I have a Eurowise 2 inch lift.
  7. mep1811

    where are the Porsche cayenne expo builds?

    22 inch rims are much too large for off road use. There is no sidewall to protect the rim when aired down or hit a rock . I have 18 inch rims and have had no issue. I am currently running Nitto Ridge Grapplers and I am happy with them. I run a Wilco Offroad tire carrier but like the RIGd tire...
  8. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    I just drain the tank in the winter. When I fill the tank I use TastePURE Drinking Water Freshener. Works great
  9. mep1811

    Paint to match JK tank green?
  10. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Pro Tip: For showering, I use the floor mat from my truck. No need to buy an expensive bamboo shower mat and have another thing to store.
  11. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Another Pro Tip Remove the decorative hub cover on the spare tire. It has to be removed to fit the spare when needed.
  12. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Another pro tip. Always lock the deadbolts when traveling. The latches will not keep the door closed as the trailer flexes.
  13. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Another Pro Tip if you are new to the group. When picking up your trailer, be sure the dealer goes over and shows you how to operate all the systems. That means demonstrating how the hot water works , shower and heater. That includes how the electrical system works. Many dealers operate on...
  14. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Great . Enjoy. Looks like you will need airbags or overload springs to avoid any issues of trailer sway.
  15. mep1811

    Mission Overland Summit 27k

    I looked at Overkill but went with Mission Overland due to availability and customer service. The MO I could buy right away and the Overkill was a large upfront deposit and a several month wait to see if I could get one.
  16. mep1811

    How Badly Did I Screw Up Here?

    I have a permanent mounted dual battery charger /maintainer on my Land Cruiser. I don't daily drive it but the batteries are always good to go.
  17. mep1811

    Rice cooker

    Another 12 volt cooking tool is the Road pro oven. I'll use it to heat leftovers or cook meals like Coq au Vin or sausage , onions and potatoes.
  18. mep1811

    How Badly Did I Screw Up Here?

    Why not just leave the batteries on a trickle charger and alleviate the issue?
  19. mep1811

    Is there a relay that will allow me to do this? Powering weboost from truck battery while driving and house battery while parked.

    You can just cut off the switch and wire the power to a ignition powered circuit.