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  1. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    We packed away the recovery gear and headed south again, excited to have made it through. The tree growth here was very young allowing us an excellent view of the mountains all around. The area had clearly been logged, I would guess about 15 or 20 years ago. Just as quickly as the trees...
  2. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    I decided to scout ahead a bit - I say I a lot, these were group decisions - and make sure there wasn’t another “impassable” obstacle just ahead of us. Nick and I hopped in the FJ with Chirp and took off. I left the rest of the guys with instructions to try and make a road through the muck...
  3. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Creeping through the narrow opening in the trees I realized there was nobody to spot me through here - where the heck was everyone? I should have waited for a spotter but I kept going an inch at a time. Mistake one. Moving forward inch by inch, I brought the nose of the truck around the...
  4. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    After the stream crossing things smoothed out and widened up a bit. Grass and brush grew about a foot high in the road, but the bed was packed gravel allowing us to do around 20. It was becoming harder to distinguish the road from side shoots here because again, the map was incorrect. We were...
  5. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    At one time this road would have been well traveled. It had the remains of a firm gravel base and only saplings began to grow close to the road. We had to move slowly here where the road had washed away, the ruts were deep and filled with water from the past few days of rain. Moving East we...
  6. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    No power here in NH probably until the end of the week... I'll update from work if I have time!
  7. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Just got a few additional (unedited) photos from Nick B - our photographer. Trio Ponds (Day two) Negotiating Trio Ponds Road (Day two) Swamp on Trio Ponds Rd (Day two) Looking over the valley (Day two) Negotiating the washout (Day three)
  8. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Blasting Down the Golden Road at a good clip I noticed the terrain beginning to turn mountainous. The road started to curve more, and we couldn’t see as far ahead on the straightaways because of the undulating terrain. We came to a tall steep climb in the road, looking up I noticed quite a bit...
  9. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    I've been there rafting before, so wanted to explore upriver a bit. Didn't know that's where the water was controlled, thanks! I bet it was gorgeous (ha ha) before the dam was installed. I think you're right about that - in fact I found the old website!
  10. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    DAY FIVE - Monday 9.26.11 Waking up the next morning was rough - more so for some than others. I was up first thanks to chirp licking my face again, so I started making some noise around camp. Josh moaned at me through the screen of his tent, and I saw Kevin asleep inside his. I found...
  11. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Some more good photos Thanks for wearing the hairnet
  12. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Searching the Maine Atlas for a place to camp I settled on the base of Ragged lake - about 30 minutes away. Heading southwest just before sunset, the road was at first some nasty potholed pavement but then switched to extremely packed dirt. We had probably been on the road for 10 minutes...
  13. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Our next stop was Ripogenus Gorge, only a few minutes up the road. Turning East on the Golden Road, the pavement disappeared just as quickly as it appeared - we were back on the dirt! After a mile or two on the Golden Road we turned on to Frost Pond Rd and headed for the Gorge. On Frost Pond...
  14. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Working on it! Had a busy weekend and have to fix the FJ... Will write more ASAP!
  15. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Getting out to inspect the road it was clear this was the work of beavers. The dam was built down the middle of the road, leaving no room to get by. We tested with a stick and found the water on the high side was fairly deep and the roadbed quite soft. We had a considerable amount of time...
  16. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    We never made it to the campsite - there was a turn for Umbazooksus lake and I took that. It brought us along an earthen dam at the south end of the lake where there was enough room to park both vehicles. A perfect place for lunch! Josh’s crew ate manifold sausages and I cooked Mac & Cheese...
  17. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Not far beyond where the flatbed cars sat in rows I spotted a clearing and hurried to get a better look - we had found them! Across the tracks from where the locomotives sat was an inlet on Eagle Lake - part of the Alligash Wilderness Area. As I walked out to the shoreline it became...
  18. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    The GPS showed us about a quarter mile North of the trains so we walked along the tracks heading South. Most of the ties had disappeared long ago and the rails were now held in place mostly by new vegetation. We walked slowly along the rail bed taking photos and admiring a track switch that...
  19. epicxcrider

    The Map is Not the Territory: A Northern Maine Adventure

    Only a few hundred yards down the trail tied to a small pine tree I spotted a number ribbons of different color, made from surveyor’s tape. This had to be a clue. Right at the tape a game trail went left into the woods... so did we. The ground was mushy and the trail was not well worn. The...