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  1. bigreen505

    Graham Jackson's TDI 110 Defender

    Holly crap the engine fell out! :eek: How did that happen?
  2. bigreen505

    E10 → E15? Not so good?

    E10 conservatively costs me 2-3 mpg on the Trooper. Not sure I want to see what E15 does. E85 was a great (ok, half-baked) idea on paper, but it is a false economy all the way around and IMO is nothing more than attempt by oil companies to keep diesel engines out by convincing people they can...
  3. bigreen505

    Expeditions West Old Taco For Sale

    Original build thread (see the evolution):
  4. bigreen505

    The B*tchin Defender gets a playmate

    Yell when you need a hand!
  5. bigreen505

    1994 Trooper question.

    One thing I didn't consider, is when you are done, you can probably sell everything you take off the 5-speed Trooper as a complete "upgrade" package for anyone with an auto Trooper who would rather have a 5-speed, and that is most of them. I bet you could easily get $2k for that, so the costs...
  6. bigreen505

    lens advice

    It's been a while since I've shot film in any real way, but here is my take. Slide: Kodak E100G Fuji Velvia 100 Fuji Velvia 50 Fuji Provia 100 Fuji Provia 400x Fuji Astia Horses for courses. Velvia is great for landscapes, horrible for people, very small dynamic range. I prefer E100G or Astia...
  7. bigreen505

    1994 Trooper question.

    Do a search and post the question over on There have been people going from auto to 5-speed, so I don't see why not. You would need pedal assembly, TCU, transmission and transfer case (T-case/transmission on the manuals are a combined unit. I'm guessing you are probably looking...
  8. bigreen505

    lens advice

  9. bigreen505

    lens advice

    IMO Canon's most underrated lens is the 400/5.6. Small and easy to handle, as sharp as the super teles and reasonably inexpensive. Unfortunately not available with IS.
  10. bigreen505

    Get Lost

    Nice Scott! Most of my trips start with a general direction, destination and timeline. The reason I bought a GPS was so I could figure out where I was as it usually seemed to be on the edge of two or three topos. The reason I generally travel with my sister is my wife is not big on "getting...
  11. bigreen505

    SLR Dust Protection

    Just try to be conscious about dust. Also turn off your camera before you change lenses, it helps quite a bit, though possibly more so on a CCD chip than CMOS due to the charge levels.
  12. bigreen505

    lens advice

    Pick up a couple cheap lenses for that camera, you'll love them -- 50/1.8 (about $100) and 85/1.8 (about $300). Just good to have, not necessarily "Africa" lenses. Any Canon EF series lens will work on that camera.
  13. bigreen505

    Off-highway light interfering with vehicle cooling?

    You might try adding Water Wetter to your coolant. It made a noticeable difference on the Pathfinder. Engine ran cooler, AC worked better.
  14. bigreen505

    My FZJ80

    Wow, absolutely amazing! I love to Mac Mini setup and the storage. Your storage system is simple, but very different from others I have seen. I may need to copy that.
  15. bigreen505

    High Pressure vs. Low Pressure zones for air induction

    Interesting theories, but it would be easy enough to tape some strands of yarn on the windshield and the snorkel and go for a drive to see where air is actually going. If you do it, take pictures and post them up.
  16. bigreen505

    Ksyrium SSC SL and SRAM Compact Crank

    I know there are a bunch of roadies here so thought I would offer up some gear here. I'll post up pictures if anyone is interested. 2006 Mavic Ksyrium SSC SL wheels. Like new, about 150 miles on them. Came with bike. Nice, light and strong. Prefer the aesthetics of a traditional wheel. $500...
  17. bigreen505

    Need help with nuts... nutcerts that is.

    Ah, good times. I miss the old days of ExPo. I don't know a whole lot about nutserts, but I had a mechanic put a skid plate on with some seriously burly ones and it was a pretty impressive setup. Definitely stay away from the cheap ones.
  18. bigreen505

    Technitop RTT, do you have one?

    PM gjackson or Connie. I think they have more Technitop experience than anyone else here. FWIW I have asked the same question through PMs and people who have used a variety of tents for an extended period of time in the US generally prefer Eezi-Awn or Maggiolina to the Technitop.
  19. bigreen505

    my 3 yr olds photo walk

    My daughter has taken some surprisingly good pictures, but has also dropped the camera one too many times - it died.