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  1. bigreen505

    My new vehicle: 2005 Nissan Frontier

    I look forward to hearing more about the awning. I'm running 285 MTR's on 7" rims and they fit ok. My issues with them are more about weight and lack of appropriate gearing on my truck than the size. They are a little fatter than I would like, but I really like the way they feel on dirt and rocks.
  2. bigreen505

    new Leica system-- larger than full frame

    I've been following this very closely. The S2 looks very promising and really builds on the DMR technology, and marks a move from Imacon to Phase One for the electronics, but retains the Kodak sensor (Phase uses Kodak, Leaf uses Dalsa). There is still a R10 in the works to replace the DMR. There...
  3. bigreen505

    Land Rover National Rally: 2008

    I don't think so. The owners said it was a '63 Blazer, but there were several tube buggies that started life as a recent (2006 ish) Range Rover and a couple Discoveries. We ran Pritchett with the owners of the above buggy, Heath and Dusty -- two of the nicest people I met on the trip, but they...
  4. bigreen505

    Land Rover National Rally: 2008

    It was great to see everyone! Still bummed I couldn't join you for the Friday ExPo trail run, we'll have to schedule another one.
  5. bigreen505

    Best Expedition Vehicle

    That is the first time I have seen interior pictures of them. Very cool!
  6. bigreen505

    How ‘bout a weight loss challenge?

    You guys should check out Gyminee. It works and is exactly what you want. If a few people sign up we can put together an ExPo group.
  7. bigreen505

    National Ralley - what to drive?

    If there is anyone in the Denver area with more than one Rover that they would like to have at the rally (PAGING GRAHAM JACKSON) I would be more than happy to drive it down and show it off. :victory:
  8. bigreen505

    Advice on an '03 Xterra

    x2 I'm sorry, I hate to be a buzzkill, but I would not spend that kind of cash on a first gen Xterra. I know they look cool, but IMO they really don't have a whole lot going for them. The second gen (2005+) is simply a better vehicle in every way. It's not that there is anything really wrong...
  9. bigreen505

    Land Rover National Rally: Who is going :)

    I'll be there with camera. Since I'm not yet part of the Roverhood I may just drive down in the Subaru and hitch a ride with someone. Ping Expeditionpictures!
  10. bigreen505

    Land Rover National Rally: Who is going :)

    I'm going, but it was a last minute decision. No idea where I am staying yet or any details figured out. I'm heading down next Saturday morning and leaving the following Saturday morning, so I'll be there for a week but miss the last day.
  11. bigreen505

    Toyo MT 255/85R16 (and comparison pics)

    No personal experience here, but my guess is pretty bad. A hard rubber compound in warm temperatures turns into a very hard rubber compound in cold temperatures. I finally came to the conclusion that asking a tire to be a good road-conditions snow tire and mud/rocks off road tire is just too...
  12. bigreen505

    Overland Journal: Discovery I, 5-speed

    Can't wait to see it. Shrockworks used to make a set that looked totally stock. That is what I was planning to put the (admittedly over-priced) Disco that got snatched out from under me (why I bought the Trooper). I don't see them on their site now, but they looked like an extension of the body...
  13. bigreen505

    Google Maps - add Favorites to Garmin device

    Many, many thanks. But I still can't figure out how to do the reverse -- get a trip recorded on GPS to Google Earth. A couple nice people have tried to explain it to me, but I can't quite seem to get it.
  14. bigreen505

    1986 BJ75 Camperized Troopie

    Wow, someone needs to snatch that up.
  15. bigreen505

    4x4 with good (20+) gas mileage

    Keep in mind there is a difference between could and should. Can you take a Subaru or Rav4 over something like Engineer? Sure, but how well will it handle 50 trips and will you still want to use it as a daily driver? Also, all of the San Juan area roads are extremely variable. If you hit it...
  16. bigreen505

    Help weighing my vehicle options

    Tony, that is a hard question. The first question is whether you can comfortably get what you need by injecting a couple thousand dollars into the Montero or whether you want to start from scratch, and all the pros and cons that go with it. If it is just going to be a band-aid, it may be time...
  17. bigreen505

    ER XV-JP on AutoBlog

    I love the silver, particularly with the CRD. White is pretty cool with some graphics.
  18. bigreen505

    The 55 is SOLD!!

    Bummer about the 55, but I really can't find a negative anywhere in your post. Sounds like a pretty good deal all around. Besides, I thought you really missed the 100. (Note: From someone who spends almost all free time commuting to/from work.)
  19. bigreen505

    Red Cone, 8/9/08...

    Hey Martin, thanks for organizing that. I still have to post up the video of you going down the hill.
  20. bigreen505

    Expeditions West XV-JP Testing and Build Thread

    Sweet, I figured they would, I just had not seen that. Thanks!