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  1. Mmm pie

    Post Van Parts For Sale Here please

    I'd purchase the fenders but I know I wouldn't be able to pick them up until January.
  2. Mmm pie

    Post Van Parts For Sale Here please

    That's not to far from me, I sent the seller a pm. But I'll probably buy it anyway
  3. Mmm pie

    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    95 7.3 quigley 4x4 08 front end 83000 miles $17k
  4. Mmm pie

    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    Rb 7.3 110k work van$5600
  5. Mmm pie

    Webasto heater

    Is it still a deal after adding 125 fuel pump, xx exhaust hose, xx wiring harness...
  6. Mmm pie

    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    E350 camper diesel, 6x4
  7. Mmm pie

    Pics of your VAN! Post up!

    Do you have any closer pictures of the raptor liner? Looks great!
  8. Mmm pie

    WTB Scepter fuel cans

    Where are you located? I have 2 in costal Virginia I'd part ways with
  9. Mmm pie

    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    This is on eBay as well
  10. Mmm pie

    Econoline Wall lining

    I checked out the coroplast. Decided it was to flimsy for my build. You really need to reinforce the back side. I purchased some 5mm plywood from lowes. First time really working with wood, hope it goes well.
  11. Mmm pie

    UJOR Build Thread

    Looks like a good reason to not repaint my police van.
  12. Mmm pie

    Econoline Wall lining

    Might have to give it a try, seems lighter than thin plywood. I just don't want it squeezing down the back roads.
  13. Mmm pie

    Econoline Wall lining

    Do you think the coroplast will be noisier than a piece of thin plywood with carpet or vinyl?
  14. Mmm pie

    Post Van Parts For Sale Here please

    Photobucket sucks, they want $399 a year to host photos, not sure who I will use to host images. I'll shoot you a pm
  15. Mmm pie

    Post Van Parts For Sale Here please

    I have most of a sportsmobile rb 50 interior, was planning on using it but the rb50 layout isn't going to work for a family of 5. I have the sink, cabinets and refrigerator. I also have a propane heater, 10 gal water tank. The sportsmobile was rolled so there is some damage on the closet...
  16. Mmm pie

    FS: 2005 Tundra DC 4x4 icon/fox 35's Now in Virginia!

    Remove the space between http and the colon http :// Link to photobucket photos
  17. Mmm pie

    Post Van Parts For Sale Here please

    If I wasn't attached to a 270' long boat, I'd be picking that pop top up.
  18. Mmm pie

    UJOR Build Thread

    The steel blue looks great!