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  1. @just_rich_young

    WTB a BlackSeries HQ 15 or 17
  2. @just_rich_young

    Wife needs indoor accommodations....what is worth buying?

    Second for the OP15. I went and looked at three of the Black Series campers a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't really that impressed for the price. They are not 4 season, the tanks and lines are exposed to the elements so they need to be insulated. I read a bunch of horror stories, but I'm not sure...
  3. @just_rich_young

    Are there any good fully enclosed travel trailers?

    We happen to be in the exact same boat which is why we've been looking for a travel trailer. I've got until 7/10 to figure something out.
  4. @just_rich_young

    Are there any good fully enclosed travel trailers?

    I happen to have been researching the hell out of travel trailers recently. Here's what I've narrowed it down to. There are basically two manufacturers that I'm looking at after excluding ALL of the Forest River and Keystone families of trailers (they make the bulk of the RV/trailers out there)...
  5. @just_rich_young

    Weird Dometic behavior - ideas?

    Is this the new model that has Dometic's own compressor or does it have the Danfoss compressor? I'm more curious than anything. I was looking at getting a new Dometic, but was seeing people were having issues with the new models.
  6. @just_rich_young

    A Truck Camper like no other

    Seems like I saw this for sell awhile ago with the same two pictures.
  7. @just_rich_young

    The importance of a rear dust light in the southwest.

    OCD Overlands post is spot on with the exception of red light vs amber light visibility. Most research I've done states amber is more visible to the human eye than red. This is why we have been putting more amber on the rear of our ambulances and firetrucks. There was even one study that showed...
  8. @just_rich_young

    E.J.'s Dirty Nismo 2005 Frontier CC Build Thread/Journal

    Nice set up. My next build is going to the a Frontier so I'm bookmarking this for your set up. The only thing I would suggest is maybe a velcro strap around the LifeHammer. Hate to see a fender bender send that thing into someones face.
  9. @just_rich_young

    2001 Tundra Limited Access Cab 4x4 Expedition Style

    What the story on the front diff and air bags?
  10. @just_rich_young

    So your daughter cuts her finger...

    20+ year paramedic and my wife is the clinical nurse manager for an ER. Our kids can't catch a break when it comes to staying home from school. lol Simple is the best. Clean with clean water. Cover with a sterile dressing. For an active kid on a camping trip I like Duct Tape. I'll cover the...
  11. @just_rich_young

    Why aren't ute or tray back style campers more prevalent in the US?

    Have you priced a flat-bed? They ain't cheap. That might be one of the reasons.
  12. @just_rich_young

    '95 Disco oil pump question

    That was one of my concerns. You have to wonder about the quality of the rest of the work he's done. I haven't had time to get out to look at it. Maybe this weekend. Thanks for everyone's replies.
  13. @just_rich_young

    '95 Disco oil pump question

    So I'm heading out to look at a '95 Disco that sounds too good to be true. The mechanic who is selling it for the lady says the only thing wrong with it is the oil pump is starting to get weak. I'm a Jeep guy and not really familiar with Land Rovers. I can turn a wrench on unfamiliar vehicles if...
  14. @just_rich_young

    Team Rubicon - Anyone Know this Organization?

    Just stumbled upon this thread. I was a regional director for TR. Just happened to be for your region, FortyTwo (in fact I probably vetted you just before I left). Although I'm no longer affiliated with them, I highly encourage folks to get involved. I enjoyed my time with them and it was...
  15. @just_rich_young

    2013 Subaru Forester (SH9 3rd Gen) going the Expedition route

    Even Jeep has admitted that lifting a Cherokee will be almost impossible and if it is done, it will be insanely expensive. One of the Jeep engineers estimated the cost of lifting a Cherokee to be several thousand dollars.
  16. @just_rich_young

    Loading motorcycle ideas?

    I'd go for a pickup truck bed hoist. You can find them either electric winch driven or manually powered with a 1,000 pound capacity. They are relatively inexpensive and don't weigh a ton.
  17. @just_rich_young

    Roof top tent - DIY - Scratch build

    Any updates to your build? I"m liking what I'm seeing so far.
  18. @just_rich_young

    OBD II reader. Best bang for the buck?

    You are correct. It's only available for android. One more reason not to buy iOS. 😉 Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  19. @just_rich_young

    OBD II reader. Best bang for the buck?

    Best bang for your buck? The Torque app for Android and iOS is $5 and you can find the bluetooth OBDII plugin for under $15 on Amazon. It will read codes and more. If you don't like it, you're only out $20.