Search results

  1. @just_rich_young

    FS: Flexatrunk for JK Unlimited (was: Odds 'n' ends for sale)

    How much weight will this support? How much shipped to 66049. Thanks.
  2. @just_rich_young

    Subaru owners: Let's see your expedition rigs!

    Can't wait to see the winch set up. Sent from my iPad 5 using Tapatalk HD
  3. @just_rich_young

    Subaru owners: Let's see your expedition rigs!

    Now I'm really missing my old Scoobie. I had a '99 and a '02 Outback Sport. If they didn't hold their value so well, I'd like to get another used one for my DD. Sent from my iPad 5 using Tapatalk HD
  4. @just_rich_young

    Trans-America Trail

    You know I'm in.
  5. @just_rich_young

    Keeping my EMT-B

    Some community colleges will off the required CE's for recert. I also check out the any local "professional" fire/EMS agencies. They will sometimes offer recert hours. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
  6. @just_rich_young

    Common field maintenance?

    Broken axle shafts. (used a Hi-lift to hold the wheel on until I could get to a repair point). Broken driveshaft (limp it in front wheel drive or two wheel drive) tire punctures, broken beads (tire repair kit, spare tire or CO2)
  7. @just_rich_young

    Can changing engine oil make leaks start?

    I run Dino oil in my Harley, and one time I switched to Royal Purple. It started leaking from several places. I drained it and put regular old Dino oil in and it hasn't leaked since. So, yes. An oil change can cause leaks. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
  8. @just_rich_young

    best smartphones for each carrier

    AT&T will be releasing their Galaxy S III soon too (I think). When that happens I expect it to shake up the iPhone 4S and HTC One. From what I've read, the reason you don't see much from Moto is because Moto sales are declining from poor quality.
  9. @just_rich_young

    The JK's Brake Operated Limited Slip

    BLD works on both axles, but I hate calling it BLD since it gives the impression that it is a locker. It's really got nothing to do with the differential. The computer controls wheel spin through engine speed and braking. It does work well, but in no way would it replace a locker. Now in the...
  10. @just_rich_young

    Cool storage idea for JK

    Do you have a hard top (works with the soft top too)? Then get a spiderweb shade and instal it under the top. You can store all kinds of soft goods up there between it and the top. Nice and out of the way.
  11. @just_rich_young

    review of tablet stylus models

    How did they miss the Targus stylus in that review. It seems to be the most popular one out there. I had the original and never really had an issue with it until it walked away. I just bought the new one with is longer and feels better to use.
  12. @just_rich_young

    Anybody regret trailer smaller than 4x6 Any Positive Feedback for the Smaller Trailer

    Unless you are in Europe, then the same 4 door JK can tow 2000 kilograms or 4,409.24524 pounds. :rolleyes:
  13. @just_rich_young

    Open Source Pop up camper design/build

    This should be an interesting build. Subscribed and can't wait for updates.
  14. @just_rich_young

    JK Wranlger Questions

    There have been a couple of issues with the Pentastar. Look at the JK specific forums like for better info. Here's a quick search for ya. link - Leaky tops are hit and miss. Always have been with Jeeps (I know...not an excuse). I have an '07 (got it Oct '06) and my soft top finally...
  15. @just_rich_young

    Backcountry asthma and coffee

    I've also seen cases of patients becoming very tachycardia and tachypneic after drinking 4 or 5 red bulls in a relatively short amount of time. If you look at the caffeine levels posted above, thats the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of coffee. These folks anxiety levels were also through the roof...
  16. @just_rich_young

    Paper for iPad

    Just downloaded it after seeing it on Engadget today. They said it is set up for the new Retina display. Haven't played with it yet though.
  17. @just_rich_young

    A Hummer H3 built for everything.

    Wow! Normally I can't stand H3's, but I'd drive that one in a heartbeat. You've fixed everything that is wrong with them. I don't mean that as a dig, just that you have a very well thought out rig.
  18. @just_rich_young

    Marmot tents ? And what we ended up with

    I've only used Marmot and Mountain Hardware tents and love them. My MH is over 10 years old and going strong. But that's not really what you asked. I have never used any of the large Marmot expedition style tents, but I know several people that have and really had no issues. The used them for...
  19. @just_rich_young

    JKJenn's Expedition Build Thread

    I would avoid JK forum. The only opinions you can get are products from paid supporting vendors and even then they have to be positive. There are tons of other forums that you can get unbiased opinions like JKOwners, Jeepforum, Wranglerforum, etc....
  20. @just_rich_young

    JKJenn's Expedition Build Thread

    Looks great! The Gobi rack hinges to put the top down or take the freedom panels off, right? Does it rattle?