Search results

  1. 1leglance

    Phoenix Area frige on craigslist

    NOT mine, don't know the guy and if no one else gets it I am sure I will even though I don't need it :) Dometic 35 for $300, called the guy and it works and has both cords
  2. 1leglance

    APRS Race/Chase question

    So I think this is possible but I need some help figuring it out... For the Mexican 1000 we are always trying to figure out where our race truck is in Baja. Currently we run Yaesu 2900 radios for comm. My thought is another radio/antenna combo in the race vehicle with whatever is required (tiny...
  3. 1leglance

    Puerto Rico in March????

    So just in case we can't make our Cuba trip happen next month (passport for son might not arrive in time) we are working on a backup plan that doesn't require passports. So anyone from Puerto Rico or been there recently? We are budget travelers who splurge when it is worth it, plenty of...
  4. 1leglance

    Jason Clark Custom to fund son's project

    Howdy Knife loving Expo world.... My 17yr old son wants to fund an engineering project so he is letting go of one of his really nice knives...oh the things we have to do as we grow up :) This is a Jason Clark Custom folder, American Made, Razor style. Now if you want one of these new too bad...
  5. 1leglance

    Overland Expo 2015 to Utah Lockhart and more....

    So time to tell a little tale of a recent trip, adventure, outing or overlandy thing...whatever we are calling car camping these days :) The fun started at the 2015 S'now-verland Expo...I had to be there to teach Adv GPS Nav and thank goodness that was under cover from the snow/rain/sleet. Good...
  6. 1leglance

    2015 NORRA Mexican 1000, Vintage Chase for a Vintage Race

    Well I have been back home safe and sound for a week now so I figured it was time to post up some kind of trip report. This is also to encourage anyone interested in getting down to Baja either for fun or to chase for a race team. It all started in 2012 with a friend ToddZ who co-owns the 1969...
  7. 1leglance

    DRZ 400 clone by Kawi SOLD

    My younger son is looking to let his DRZ 400 clone Kawi go for a great price. He will have it at Expo for anyone who wants to eyeball it in person. Cash is best but if you have something like a 280z project he might go for a trade. Here is his craiglist text and pics.... $3,000 firm Have your...
  8. 1leglance

    Adv Moto First Aid kits

    So per a suggestion by another member it seems like a good idea to start a thread on Adv moto first aid gear. Since my younger son is now taking solo moto trips this is actually something we have been putting together for him. I will start off the talk lightly then delve in later with more...
  9. 1leglance

    Great write up of a 1975 Baja Trip

    So I was doing a little research for a moto trip through Baja Norte when I found this website. Really great read and I can't wait to look around and what else he has done.
  10. 1leglance

    Anyone like to do radio repair? Free radio & pay ya for the other

    Well I am working hard to not only spend less money (failing pretty well there) but to also declutter and simplify my life. This leads to going through my stuff and looking for things to sell off, give away or toss. So for anyone who likes to work on Ham Radios I have a gem that you are...
  11. 1leglance

    Australian 4wd Action Magazine..almost 300 pages for $7ea Free Shipping

    Hello Folks, As part of my "sell stuff, save money, pay off debt, moto South American in two years" plan I am selling some of my Australian 4wd Action magainzes.. I have read off of these and learned tons about gear, travel and how much fun our brothers & sisters down under are. Free UPS...
  12. 1leglance

    Overland Journal, The Early Years $7ea Free Shipping

    Hello Folks, As part of my "sell stuff, save money, pay off debt, moto South American in two years" plan I am selling some of my Overland Journals from the early days. I have multiple copies on some of these having attended events and wanting to have some to hand out to folks I meet on the...
  13. 1leglance

    WTB Dual Sport under 650cc for my son

    Howdy One and All, So now both my boys are on motos and of course that meant I needed a ride...which resulted in this as a Spring Break pic from a few days ago. Yeah my 1 legged butt is on the cruiser as I need something peg forward. As you can see we have an odd mix of bikes there :) My...
  14. 1leglance

    Creative storage UNDER your rig???

    So recently I have been spending some time under my 1970 Suburban and figure there is alot of unused space.... The question is WHAT to put WHERE? And of course please keep in mind we have those lovely Border Patrol check points and I do enjoy trips to Baja which means anything I put under my rig...
  15. 1leglance

    Pro Traveler Tip...clothes washing..what do you do?

    I saw the recent Pro Traveler Tip about quick dissovle soap for clothes washing and wondered what others do? Personally I am a huge fan of Dr Bronners as I use the stuff to wash my clothes, my dishes, my body, my hair and anything else needed....although I have not...
  16. 1leglance

    2002 BMW Dakar F650GS with a lefty sidecar homebuild

    So time to start working on my sidecar build. A few things to know, I am putting the hack on the left as that is the side my prosthetic leg is on and it will be much easier to have a nice big foot pad over there. Also easier to get on & off the bike from the right. I have been doing a bunch...
  17. 1leglance

    Who makes the best active bumpstop?

    So I just had custom springs made for my 1970 Suburban and the guys at Valley Spring here in Phoenix were great. Next is shock shopping and I plan to have them do up some custom hoops and such to get me the fatest, remote resevior shock we can...and the thought struck me that NOW was the time to...
  18. 1leglance

    The Terrors of Tear Down and the Perils of Project Pause

    So today while working with my sons on getting my 70 Suburban ready for the paint shop it struck me just how scary it is tearing down a vehicle and the worries about what you will find. Also it seems when you ready through build threads on older rigs it is the big "project pause for paint" that...
  19. 1leglance

    Looking for advice on bodywork & painting my rig myself

    Not looking for pro's here that have their own shop...although advice would be welcome. Looking to hear from anyone who has painted their rig at home. Also folks who have done their own bodywork. It is time to do paint & bodywork on my 70 burb and on my granddads 72 chevy in order to...
  20. 1leglance

    Options for plates?

    I have used the speckled plates and didn't like those... used the MSR plates and didn't like lots of money for a plate.. been using burner covers as the are cheap and nest well..but they lose heat quick so food gets cold. Been thinking of using heavy duty pie tins as the have a...