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  1. part time nomad

    Powerful vario

    It was a stock ECU definately worth doing. Merc do an 180bhp version of that engine in different trucks.
  2. part time nomad

    Powerful vario

    Had my 814 da chipped up to 180 bhp. Wow !
  3. part time nomad

    Vario tracking

    Can anyone tell me what the front wheel tracking, toe in or out is please for a Mercedes vario 814da 4x4
  4. part time nomad

    MB Vario workshop manual...

    Can anyone tell me what the steering settings are for 814da 4x4 Toe in or out? Please
  5. part time nomad

    Mercedes vario 814da 4x4

    Yes, all ok. The noise is a kind of gear chatter! Only seems to happen in top gear. Say on a motorway or good road, you can drive round it but it annoys me. I am thinking of taking a prop shaft off and driving it in central diff lock to eradicate front or rear diffs , but not sure if I will...
  6. part time nomad

    Mercedes vario 814da 4x4

    I have a vibration in top gear at about 50mph it seems to be coming from the transmission, if I am pulling (throttle down) it’s ok ,or throttle up on overrun it’s ok just happens when throttle is feathered, between on or off. I replaced the transfer box and removed and checked all prop UJs Also...
  7. part time nomad

    What's ownership and maintenance for a Mercedes Benz T2/Vario like outside of Europe?

    I have the 4x4, it`s a fairly rugged truck and a good crossover between sprinter and full sized! Your Sprinter wil be lighter to drive and more car like, but the Vario will still be going when the sprinter is dead. These do intergalactic mileages and mercedes has the best parts network in...
  8. part time nomad

    Best Fridge

    I did a simular thing, but just had the fan at the top of the rear cavity, on a switch. it vents into the shower (at the top) I also cut a vant in the side of the van to draw cool air (would have liked to had it underneath but the tanks are there) I can close the vent for cold weather.
  9. part time nomad

    Euro 6 complient

    I don`t know if it`s available for euro 4 to 6 but there used to be an exhaust conversion for trucks that was fairly reliable and also independent of the main engine controls. Bet it will cost a fortune though! Whats your truck?
  10. part time nomad

    Euro 6 complient

    I aggree with Geo Lander that a motor swap could be the way, but not sure about the reliability bit! we always try to stay away from all the electronics!!! But in theary, it makes our current motors worthless in the future, unless we you can do a body swap! As for Electric, not yet!
  11. part time nomad

    Euro 6 complient

    I totally agree, I also have an old LR defender, no electronics, that I have spent time in Africa with, always repairable! But this emissions/ euro 6 is all round europe now! I am contemplating a small trail bike, or even electric cycle.
  12. part time nomad

    Euro 6 complient

    Has anyone looked into making their truck euro 6 complient? It`s not a problem at the moment, and I dont realy want to be in towns, but I think there will be more areas coming euro 6 in the future and possibly a problem passing through them if they have no bypass or ring road. It would be...
  13. part time nomad

    20” Unimog rims on a Mercedes 814 DA

    Do you run singles or twins on the rear?
  14. part time nomad

    20” Unimog rims on a Mercedes 814 DA

    I am located in Bedfordshire UK . Those tyres look fairly meaty! mine are more all terain. as probably 90% of the time that will be ok. Mine is a box body truck, I will try to put a pic up from the phone.
  15. part time nomad

    20” Unimog rims on a Mercedes 814 DA

    My Fulda 19.5 are all terain! There was a thread on here by (Ianc - pre birth of a camper) I think, from what I remember he put 20" on and handling problems. maybe worth a look! Got any pics of your truck?
  16. part time nomad

    20” Unimog rims on a Mercedes 814 DA

    Sorry i can`t help you, but i shall watch the posts with interest! What is the reason for you wanting to change? is it because the tyres are easier to find! or going to singles on the rear, I got new 19.5s from Germany, delivered here to the UK.
  17. part time nomad

    Best Fridge

    You should not really need feet at the back! I think mine has rollers, that makes it easier to slide in to the cabinet space. You can the level it on the front feet. I bolted mine in and then packed the insulation. Be very careful where you drill near the cabinet.
  18. part time nomad

    Best Fridge

    Regarding insulation! I have a fridge / freezer in the big truck, I put extra insulation top and sides, as it is cabinet on the the fridge there anyway. I left an air gap underneath, as the fridge motor is lowdown at the back, so it can draw air there ok. I left a 3 inch gap at the back, but...
  19. part time nomad

    Best Fridge

    Funny you should say that! I only came across them the other day and I thought the power consumption seemed high, but that was without looking into it,