Search results

  1. P

    2m Antenna Questions

    Hi, I'm an amateur extra class and know a wee bit about antennas. The best location for a 2M antenna is in the center of the roof - drill a hole or magnetic mount work well. On my Xterra I yielded the center of the roof for the side making it easier to get to and further from the trees on the...
  2. P

    Nissan Photos - post your's

    Page 58 owned! New wheels, tires, and front struts. Wearing two spare tires for practice - I'll take the bottom one out for most trips and around town.
  3. P

    PaulXyZ checking in

    Rattle can approved! Everything below is black now - great for touching up with spray paint.
  4. P

    PaulXyZ checking in

    Hey everyone, new guy checking in. (above this was my look for a few years) I'm over at TheNewX and an active member of Southern California Club Xterra with my 2006 Xterra Off-road. I'm into camping and find a reason year 'round to get out of Dodge and enjoy the area. We go two or three...
  5. P

    KM2 Review

    I just swapped from the KM's to the KM2 and haven't been off road with them yet (3 days ownership!) but they are much more quiet on the roads and highway. They look fully as aggressive as the KM's did and I really enjoyed their performance.