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  1. P

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Nice to see you home Scott, give a kiss to Stephanie, she must be happy to see you ? Put some weight but not too much, will you......! I couldn't afford the Mongolia Charity Rallye, not enough meat on my bones..... Or I have to start eating more now for next year. Cheers my friend Patrice
  2. P

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Scott, You look great on that animal.........! I can't wait to hear over a few drinks in Vegas or Prescott in a few weeks about this superb trip. Good on you Mate, you had the perfect partners, Chuck and the Jimny. Safe trip home and more photos, pls. PS : I have secured the 110 at Bruno's...
  3. P

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Scott, Great to hear that you are doing fine with Charlie & the Jimny. I love crunchy details about those various countries, good on you. If I had my GS1200 yet, I would zoom to catch up with you on the road to Mongolia............! All those stories remind me of our travel on a Kombi in the...
  4. P

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Bon appetit. Just finished work, I wish I could fly and join you for a few days, my brain would love that.........! Give a kiss to the count and have a nice rest, tomorrow is another day. Patrice
  5. P

    The Great Roadway Bazaar

    Take care my friend, say hi to Chuck. It's a pleasure to watch your progress in this little Jimny (well equiped....!) Still busy here in the office (without A/C...!)