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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    They can seem overwhelming, but they are laid-out very nicely and the board is well labeled. I don't cut/remove wires until I'm positive they are not needed or won't be reutilized for future features. Take your time, take notes, ask the forum, ask the manf for wiring diagrams and Google! If I...
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Thank you ! There is a cb radio clip mounted right there, so this explanation is very plausible. I figured it was just a keypad and the main guts were elsewhere, but they may be gone as this unit was stripped a bit. I don't need sirens, but the PA was always a fun option. I do take many...
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Whelen Module thingy I apologize for not knowing the vernacular, is first ambulance. This is a low priority item, obviously, just couldn't help wondering what was in the hole in the dash. I was also surprised to see that sole out-of-place connector- only one I've seen on the vehicle. Must be...
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Glow plug vid Thanks for that tip- is much easier to swap relay. I was just going on what seller told me- have not even pulled engine cover yet...too many bigger fires ! This here is my personal favorite glow plug relay bypass video. Gets me every time.
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    I like those corner lights, I think that it's clever. Would be too much work to add now, though. You guys have some great looking rigs- you all set the bar high. I have a ways to go.... I am missing the Whelen controller pad, looks like the rest of it is there. here is connector if anybody...
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Genny Oh, yeah. The Generator. I am willing to bet I have the biggest generator on the block. It's only 10Kw. but it's the biggest....MEP003A Same auction, free ride. Is mungous because is continuous duty and under-rated by Uncle Sam. About 1500 lbs, is why ambu sags in pics. No, it won't be...
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Just started reading your mods- wow. Nice work. I may 'borrow' some of your fine ideas. I opened the hood and saw that smushed intake and actually felt bad for it. She just want to BREATHE ! :costumed-smiley-007
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Wheeled Roach Coach This is a fine example of a very rare wheeled coach. Ok , maybe not fine, but example? Ok, it's got wheels. And probably not rare. But it's MINE !!!!:wings:
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Homecoming Thank you very kindly for the offer. I have not been back here in a few weeks due to other vehicular addictions, but she arrived today. I paid 1 1/2 times what I paid originally for her to ship her home...:Wow1: Still was still good deal( I hope). Zero rust. Funny thing, It cam...
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    Tiger Truck

    That is pretty cool, but they are so pricey. Would love one of those for around the property.
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    RamboLance Build 92 Ford e350 7.3L ambulance build Wheeled Coach

    Loooong time lurker/reader/dreamer finally bought my first ambulance. I started eyeballing these well-built machines long ago, but never pulled the trigger. Until now.... She's not clean or purdy, but she is mine ! I think it's a 92 Wheeled Coach with 34K miles. Was a rural ambulance for a...