Search results

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    Custom license plates / Vanity plates

    MrGrimm you wouldn't happen to be at Ft Bragg currently would you? My brother just sent me a picture of a Tacoma he saw on base that looked very similar to yours.
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    bicycle security

    First let me say thank you to everyone who replied. I will be more conscious about where my bike is left. I'm in the process of rethinking my bicycle security measures. Secondly MY BIKE WAS FOUND TODAY!!! :wings: Man what a relief. The Police found it downtown unattended beside a building...
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    bicycle security

    My bike was stolen from the back of my truck two days ago. This whole situation got me thinking about how I could have better protected my bike. my uses: I'm a college student who uses his bike daily to commute to and from classes. On the weekends I take it out on the trails. My bike is...
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    Who uses a hammock?

    I've been hammock camping for the past four years in a Hennessey Hammock. I'm an avid kayaker and space in a kayak is quite limited which led me to opt for a hammock over a tent. Nothing beats a hammock in the summer Georgia heat. I've slept comfortably in my hammock in temps down to 35. Just...
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    WTS new ipod touch & denali jacket

    I have for sale a basically new 8gig iPod Touch. I believe it is the first gen model as it doesn't have volume control on the side. It came free with my MacBook. I took it out of the box just to play with it the first day and then set it on a shelf where its been for the past few months. No...
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    WTB kayak saddles

    I'm looking to buy 4 kayak saddles. I'd prefer the Yakima Landsharks since they seem to be the most affordable. If you have some you don't need and want to sell preferably cheap, let me know.
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    Hennesy Hammock

    My Henny is the only thing I will sleep in when I'm out in the woods. I've been using mine for a couple years. I've got it set up with the snake skins to make it easier to pack and set up. I'm also using a larger silk nylon rain fly. Heres a pic of me and a kayaking buddy sleeping the night...
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    Point 65N Sea Cruiser

    Just the post I was looking for. Thank you sir. Yes I completely agree with a skeg/rudder combo being a disaster. I have used both, but never together on the same boat. I have a 16 foot Perception Captiva with a rudder so I do have plenty of experience using a rudder. My skeg experience is...
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    Point 65N Sea Cruiser

    I've been looking for a good touring kayak for a 2 week trip a friend and I are planning for the summer. I was trying to keep it around $1,500 and the kayak had to be at least 16feet & have ample dry space. And I stumbled upon this kayak. So far the only information I've found is from the Point...
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    WTB yakima Hull Raiser Aero

    If anyone has a set of these they no longer need and are interested in selling them to a college kid in need of them. Let me know. Funds are sort of limited.
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    Yakima Hullraiser

    third, if neither takes it
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    Need door handle help...

    Your absolutely right. This is the best forum I've ever been a part of. Theres so much willingness to help your fellow man, which is rare to find these days. -Tim
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    Need door handle help...

    wow man I would really appreciate that. PM sent -Tim
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    Need door handle help...

    Its a 1998 Toyota Tacoma. You can see in the bottom left corner the crack. And for some reason that small crack is keeping the door handle from working. You have to press on the outside rim, then pull on the handle to get the door to open. thanks, -Tim (oh yea, sorry bout the crappy pics...
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    Need door handle help...

    Just this past week I broke the plastic square piece that holds my interior manual door handle in place, on the drivers side. The door still opens from the inside, but its a real pain because you have to fiddle with it. I can't find this piece anywhere. I've checked all the local junk yards &...
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    Need help outfitting truck for kayak expeditions

    You guys have all been a lot of help. Looks like I've got some thinking to do and some pennies to count.
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    Need help outfitting truck for kayak expeditions

    hmm that looks like it might work, thats alot though for 2 rails.
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    Need help outfitting truck for kayak expeditions

    Yea carrying the kayaks in those J saddles should raise the boat up so that the tip of the boat is over the roof basket, but Im not 100% sure. I was hoping someone here would know for certain. I talked to the guy at the yakima booth when they came to town for the big kayak race, and he wasn't...
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    Need help outfitting truck for kayak expeditions

    I've been kayaking for over 2 years now, and I'm officially addicted. I've been trying to figure out the best way to rig my truck for our kayaking expeditions. Right now I've got a Yakima roof rack with a stretch kit on it, and a Yakima dry dock system in my trailer hitch. This is what it looks...
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    Camping Hammocks

    I've been using a Hennessey Hammock in the outdoors for over 2 years now. I kayak a lot, so I spend a good bit of my time sleeping in the outdoors. Having slept in tents for as long as I can remember, I will never sleep in one again. Hammocks are that much more comfortable. Unlike sleeping on a...