Many thanks for what you've added so far I'm really looking forward to reading about your experiences as we're planning to purchase a DC Tundra and camper later this year. I've previously built out a camper van (Promaster 2500) and doing that myself I learned a hell of a lot about component...
Timely and extremely helpful. We're planning to build our camper vehicle in the next year and have been researching. We'll be spending about 60 nights a year. The flatbed Hawk meets our needs for space to work and live. I did a rough high estimate of our yearly trips and we're looking at around...
Wondering if anyone has a sense of how hot/cool the rear says with a fan?
I know there are a lot of variables to the actual temp but here's what I'm wondering. Most of our trips revolve around mountain biking, but we also have a small dog that's not along for the bike part. In a #vanlife...
Thanks Rin. I swapped stock air bags for OME on an old Range Rover LWB Classic which was a massive improvement, so I'm already sold on their stuff. There are a lot of days where I miss that rig... :cry:
A few troubling things I can't ignore.
- pretty much everyone confirms you need to beef up...
Thanks for sharing your experience Flyguy. I'm trying to get a sense of realistic costs and needs. Vehicle + Canopy Camper + whatever upgrades are needed to suspension. I'd plan to build out with about 53L of water and mostly storage inside, but include a cooking setup and power. The build can...
Thanks Graton. Looks like you have the AC/LB Off-road I was thinking would be the perfect platform for this - maximize the camper space without too long of a wheelbase. I had the idea of adding a fan in the roof to reduce condensation and because we also have an adventure corgi. I haven't seen...
For those of you that have had a canopy camper for a bit can you comment on whether you felt any changes are needed to the suspension. I know a few folks on here have taken some longer trips in theirs. I'm seeing a bonus is their low weight as compared to something like the Khaya or a FWC. Just...
Sorry to hear that you've had such a poor experience but I'm glad that you did share this. I've heard similar experiences from folks using the FWC. That is, issues with heating and electrical systems. Honestly this is one reason I'm leaning towards getting the canopy camper and building out the...
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