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  1. J


    There is a 70 series snorkel kit on ebay and I was wondering if it would fit a 40 with a little work? Anyone know?
  2. J

    Mercedes 230GE SWB For Sale

    No Hunter, why don't you? you didnt need to post that and make this worse. You are just full of ego like your buddies are. I think you are angry because someone pointed out some truths about that rust and you can't deal with it. i see a lot of bias here in favor of certain people and that is a...
  3. J

    Mercedes 230GE SWB For Sale

    oh look someone who thinks he owns the place. What I love are people who use words like INTERNETS. At least my post has INFORMATION in it and makes a point. What did yours do? You are the troll. Think about it. Where is the moderator now?
  4. J

    Mercedes 230GE SWB For Sale

    Sorry but again i agree with him. there is no need to be so overly soft and act like you are talking to some dictator all the time about everything. He pointed out the problems and people here didnt deal with it too well. Is this just a gwagen owner thing or what? LOL Try talking on some land...
  5. J

    1100 miles later...Introducing Big Red

    Very nice! Can you share any highway MPG tests yet? Would love to have that motor in my 40!
  6. J

    Mercedes 230GE SWB For Sale

    im new here but have been lurking for a long time. Have been on Pirate for years however. Sorry but i have to agree with 303, these things get rusted and its costs $1000's to fix the right way. A lot of people may not know this so I think it is good to point out. I owned a Gwagen 280 with the...