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  1. Penguinman

    Flatbed ideas

    93 Dodge diesel, with a flatbed, and let me tell you, you can haul alot of stuff. Mine has slots were I hope to weld up my removable rack soon for expedition. I also have wood slats for hauling dirt, rock, furniture, pavers, hay, etc....flatbeds are the way to go. I'll post pics of my plans soon.
  2. Penguinman

    Thoughts on flat beds & tool bodies

    I have a flatbed on my 93 Dodge CTD....I love it. You can haul so muchI have plans for a removable rack system I hope to weld up soon, get a popup tent, have a Warn winch for my bullbar, lift, lockers, etc.....lots to do but not lots of money....keep ya posted