I know seven people who bought Mavericks and twice that many with orders for them. And I don't know many people. Every manufacturer is paying attention to the Maverick. We will soon see many similar options.
I just listened to your recent appearance on the Off the Road Again Podcast yesterday. I enjoyed it and look forward to your future trip reports and thoughts on the Gladiator after you've had it a while.
The WMA outside Lafayette, Georgia (not pronounced like every other Lafayette. It's Luh-fet) is Crockford Pigeon Mountain WMA. Commonly known as Pigeon Mountain. Has some good campsites and cool caves, hiking, rockclimbing, etc.
Did y'all go across the mountain (Rocky Lane) and come out on Hwy...
Thanks for all the pics and the details of your truck and adventures.
An older truck, kept simple, and lots of canoe time while hiking/camping is pretty much my idea of a perfect life.
If you are looking for off the shelf IWB, Bladetech Nano. For a more versatile IWB/AIWB, although more expensive and with a wait, Dark Star Gear extended length.
For OWB, I like Comptac or Bladetech.
I've owned a Shield in 9mm since they were released. Smooth shooting, generally reliable...
I'm enjoying this thread. S10 Blazers are pretty versatile and don't normally get much attention or respect.
I DD'd an '87 2WD for four years that was bought for $250 with the intention of just using it for a few months until I got my XJ fixed. Even with a weak 2.8 and 2WD on stockish sized...
The Spyderco Delica 4 has been my EDC pocket knife for several years.
I recently picked up an Esee Izula II and it's a great pocket fixed blade.
They are made in Alabama and have the best warranty I've seen. If it is ever broken, they replace it. Period...
Very nice.
I wouldn't change a thing about it.
An interesting fact is that Browning's original submitted design did not include the grip safety. He was asked to add one and resubmit it. Considering the firing system I believe it was a good change.
Most of the sites have not updated the changes from SB308 yet. GeorgiaCarry.Org had a page on the changes when it passed, but it looks like they have taken it down for the time being for some reason.
I am actually suprised by the fact that HandgunLawsUS has already updated their information on...
Actually, HB89, which was signed into law two years ago, made that legal.
SB308, signed last month, legalizes carry into bars, as long as the owner gives permission and legalizes consumption of alcohol while carrying.
While I'm not much of a drinker, there are plenty of adults who can both carry a weapon and have a drink or two responsibly. For those who can't, there are already laws that deal with that.
I, personally, have never understood the need to strip everyone of something just because some people...
I know that there are several members here from Georgia and I'm sure several more that visit so I thought this might be of interest.
Last month Georgia's Governor signed into law SB308, which got rid of the hundred year old, rascist based Public Gathering law, which gave LEO leeway on deciding...
Chicago's mayor stated a week ago or more that he was already prepared to set up new regulations if the court ruled this way. It will work the same way as the D.C.-Heller situation, where the total ban is gone, but the restrictions and hoops that citizens of Chicago will have to go through will...
Ruger SP101 in .357 Mag.
Carry a Speed strip loaded with .38s and one loaded with .357s.
-Less than $500, sometimes in the $200-$300 range used (look for police trade ins).
-Small enought to be comfortably carried.
-Shoot .38 or .357 out of it.
You can add a good front post...
We use cables for the canoe and kayak and haven't had an issue yet. Someone with cutters or other tools will make short work out of pretty much any option out there.
For us it comes down to rather losing the boats than have serious damage done to our vehicle and losing the boats. Friends of ours...
I have a good sized, well thought out kit that I take hiking on longer trips and overnights.
Recently I've been trying to put together a very small kit for caving, running and quick hikes. Basically something I can grab on the spur of the moment and go.
A couple of friends, one a doctor and...
I believe so, but could be wrong.
We took it down a few good rivers later in the summer and it really tracks well and shrugs off damage quite well. It's heavier than other canoes, but it's been great to teach my wife and kid.
I broke the rear backrest "hinge" while moving it from one vehicle...
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