Search results

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    Whats going on out there in "looking for the perfect off road trailer " world?

    What do you all think is the rule of thumb regarding margin on GCWR? Is there an accepted amount you'd prefer to stay below maximum? How much can you haul and still leave your vehicle capable and less-stressed? Seems like maxing out would be compromising.
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    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    Boom! Not mine.
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    Swanky Volvo in ABQ No affiliation.
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    onbord air system

    Received---Thanks, dude... looks good.
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    Dustboy's front bumper build

    Don't want to up your workload, but if it's something that others would benefit from as well or that has more interest that just me....
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    onbord air system

    PM sent
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    Dustboy's front bumper build

    I dig your bumper. Very sweet. Got any specs or plans to share? :sombrero:
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    How do I buy a Trailer in Canada and get it into the US

    If I were going to invest in purchasing a built offroad camping trailer, I'd just figure out a way to do it with Martyn and AT. Obviously solid guys and a solid company with the knowledge and dedication to back up their product. And Martyn's advice is obviously sound--and legal. But I still...
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    How do I buy a Trailer in Canada and get it into the US

    How about you just have the Canadian drive over the border with it, sell it to you and then muddle through it afterward with the MVD. Tell them you built it yourself. What are they going to do, call you a liar? Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. Governments are not going to...
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    M416 + Eezi Awn 1200 on Albuquerque Craigslist

    Looks like a nice trailer... ...but I'm concerned about the lack of suspension.
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    Found a '74 LC for sale - got questions... Mud is a great community for these trucks.
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    Maggiolina Airland Medium – Loaded - $1500

    Looks like Gillti got the jump on this one. Having just bought his Overland and a rack from him, I can vouch that he's a great guy to do business with. His shipment to me arrived yesterday, extremely well packed and in great shape.
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    Thinking About Selling the 40. . .

    And where will you put your grandfather's water can?
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    Autohome Overland 1.3

    Sounds good :REAdvRockClimber:
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    Autohome Overland 1.3

    I could be interested if it hasn't been purchased. Would shipping be an option? To New Mexico?
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    AutoHome New, Used, and Demo tents

    Also wondering about the current status of these tents.... ready to make a purchase.
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    Bend It Like Texas

    We stopped briefly at the famous Owl Bar in San Antonio, New Mexico, just north of the Bosque del Apache wildlife refuge and famed bird migratory flyway. We sucked down, uh, the atmosphere, as there’s still a lot of road to cover, and keep west on highway 380, across the entrance to Trinity Site...
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    Bend It Like Texas

    We woke into crisp, pre-sunrise light searing the eastern horizon while stars still played against the darker west. A thin coating of frost covered the sleeping bags, but we were warm and comfortable atop the new sleeping platform. Packing was quick, and we chose coffee and fruit as a light...
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    Bend It Like Texas

    Thanks for the encouraging comments. Got busy at work and it slowed up the narrative flow, but I'll able to post more by tomorrow morning. As to the Acoma photography restriction...I guess it's more like respecting that they asked. I suppose if I didn't want people taking pictures of my home...
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    Bend It Like Texas

    Frontage road ruin: We traveled highway frontage along Interstate 40 until we could drop down on the 53 toward El Malpais National Monument. I’ve been past these volcanic badlands several times on the paved 117 route, but never taken the Chain of Craters Back Country Byway that charts the...