01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR

Nothing major today, just a fun day out with the dogs. Didn't even plan it, actually; I just figured it would be a nice "long way" home after my VA appt in Little Rock.

Here's my route
(just under 30 miles total)


Came up from main gate in the North Little Rock area, cruised around the old WWII barracks area, pushed through the CARP mtn bike area and
the old Newton Creek township (cool old schools and cemeteries), then finally up into the WMA. Popped out on Hwy 89 just east of Mayflower, AR.

Camp Robinson is where I learned my first lessons in off-road driving techniques from my big brother. I was 16, and I was in the process of buying his '87 Jeep Wrangler. He said, "I'm gonna take you out and teach you how to drive this thing in the woods so that you don't go breakin' stuff all the time." And so Camp Rob and I have a long history of wheelin'.

Now that I'm in the Army and train out there from time-to-time, I have learned of its own long history. This was quite a large training facility during WWII, and prepared many young men for the rigors of combat. As with many of these old posts, though, most of the cantonment areas have been disassembled or simply left for nature to reclaim them.


Clean Taco at the start... this would soon change.

I have no idea what most of this housed during the heyday of Camp Rob, but these old structure foundations are everywhere.



And there's remnants of the old sidewalks--sidewalks on which our grandfathers might have walked from chapel to chow.


And these old concrete slabs. Parking lots? Motor pools? Basketball courts? No telling.


I try and imagine these old streets lined with wooden barracks, chow halls, and admin bldgs... and formations of young Soldiers, all marching to Drill Sergeant's cadence, precisely moving from place to place. Every last one of them scared as hell, but loving every second of it. (At least that was my experience during basic training!)




Most of the men who trained here were issued a full kit of gear here and they boarded a train here bound for one of the the coasts. Once they crossed the pond, it was gametime. Many never made it back. Visiting these old training areas helps me remember them--to stay in touch with them.

May God rest you all, brothers.
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01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR (cont.)

So, as I made my way north out of the old cantonment area, I explored trails I'd never seen before. Not too dissimilar from most trails in this part of the country. Beautiful out, though. Finally warming after last week's hard freeze, and so it's getting sloppy muddy!





Had to break out the winch twice. Once to do a little trail maintenance:



This thing was HEAVY. Had to readjust several times as I couldn't keep it from pulling my truck around! Finally got it.

...and again to pull me from a mud hole that ate my tires. Completely.

(Unfortunately, my camera died. This is the end of the pics for the day. :( Trust me though, the truck was muddy and the winch earned some money.)

Great day out. Can't wait for the next trip! Thanks for riding along.

Abel Villesca

Nice write up and pics Wes. I've been to Camp Robinson many times in my career and I am sure my father has stories about it from his time in the service. I'll have to show him your map and pics and find out if he trained any where near there.


So, as I made my way north out of the old cantonment area, I explored trails I'd never seen before. Not too dissimilar from most trails in this part of the country. Beautiful out, though. Finally warming after last week's hard freeze, and so it's getting sloppy muddy!

Wow Lovely trip , thanks to sheer a photo in info.!!!:wings:

Do you think easy cut a tree and after pull

Several year ago in Arizona i stuck

I WISH i have winch in rental , trouble will resolve in hour instead all day


Nice writeup indeed. What property are these on? We're planning to do a southern trip this year and looks like a nice little detour to explore.
Nice writeup indeed. What property are these on? We're planning to do a southern trip this year and looks like a nice little detour to explore.

CR isn't open to the general public is it..??

This is Camp Robinson, home of the Ark Nat'l Guard, and a training area for a whole host of other military branches. (FYI: three years ago the place was crawling with special forces-type operators from all over the world for the int'l sniper competition. Was GREAT fun!) It's located between North Little Rock and the community of Cato in central Ark. It's something like 30,000 acres, and full of great terrain and tank trails and whatnot.

Rob, I can't say for sure that it's fully-closed. Although I show my ID at the gate each time I enter, and everyone must stop no matter what, many civilians do enter with some sort of pass. I know this because the Central Ark Recreational Pedalers (CARP) mtn bike group has a bunch of volunteer-built trails out there. They go out and ride and hold races very regularly, and I know not all those dudes are military. Maybe there's info on their website about getting a visitor day pass?!?

If you can get in there, let me know! I live like 20 mins away and would come meet you immediately to show you some of my fave trails. :sombrero:
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Found some info on CARP.. They've managed to get special permission to ride bikes out there.. You have to have a CARP membership card and sign in at the poice station or risk a $160 crimminal trespass charge..

Also came across this about hunting on the land..

The only requirement for bowhunters was that they purchase a $10 Sportsman's Pass, which is available at post headquarters, building 5130; you can also get it by calling (501) 212-5232.

Got a number to call and see anyway..


New member
I also go out to Camp Robinson fairly often & I'm out of the Air Force about 10 years - us "civies" get a Sportsmans pass from the Post Commanders office & that lets one have access to most of the post - lots to explore out there.

I too learned the in's & out's of 4x4 driving there back in the teenage years. I don't know if one can just "drop-in" and get a pass for exploring, but I have never asked either.

I was out on the north end, near Bell Slough a month or so ago, right after the last monsoon rain we had & there was a lot of water damage to the roads - in fact the Loop road was impassable then. I need to get back out there with the dogs & see if we can find a Quail or two.


I too learned the in's & out's of 4x4 driving there back in the teenage years. I don't know if one can just "drop-in" and get a pass for exploring, but I have never asked either.

I'd take a big camera and call it bird watching.. Tell 'me you saw an Ivory Billed Woodpecker fly onto the base..

I imagine if they'll let a bunch of Arkansas Rednecks run around their woods carrying high powered rifles, they'll let about anyone in to just poke around..

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