Is the jeep still available?
Hey, so sorry for the late reply. I don't know what's up with Tapatalk not sending me alerts that posts were made. I've checked and it's all correct, just not letting me know.

Yes, the Jeep is still available. I got the wheel spacer replaced along with the 3 sheared axle studs. It's supposed to snow tonight which means I'll be chauffeuring the wife to work. I'll get a better idea of how it does and will post up. I've put so few miles on this thing (especially lately) since everything was put back together that there is always something to hear/feel/etc.
I'm hoping life may be finally taking a turn for the better so this may get pulled off the for sale chopping block. Maybe. We are way behind so it's still up for now.
I'll shoot you a text in the morning and we can "talk" if you want. Ask whatever you want, I'll tell you everything I know or can guess.
Again, sorry for the late reply.
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