I am curious...Vince have you had your flip pac in some high winds? 40-50mph? If so how does it hold up to that?
I've been in multiple windy situations from low to moderate (40-50mps) to heavy 80 mph gusts.
Any tent type construction is going to wake you up in windy situations and the flippac is no exception.
Structurally...surprisingly, I've never had any rip/tear in the tent fabric or damage to the folding tent structure/poles from any windy situation...although in moderate to heavy wind the structure moves around a little. I've minimized this with a simple 2x3 with notches in each end that I wedge diagonally between the poles in the middle.
The 80+ mph gusts were in a severe coastal storm right here in southern CA. Every canopy and tent on the beach was getting ripped apart and people were leaving in droves. No doubt the highest wind I've had the rig in. One of the support poles that attaches to the front of the truck broke off where it attaches to the fiberglass...but no damage to the fabric or structure itself. Later, it was a simple repair with fiberglass bondo...although, at the time, at that point I packed up and took off also.
Soooo....I don't think you'd have any problems in 40-50 mph winds, other than being awakened. The 2x3 wedge in the middle is probably a good idea although it temporarily inhibits getting in and out of the bed area...just have to maneuver around it.