04' GX470 vs 07' Supercharged Range Rover Sport?



Daily Driver
Snow day vehicle
Explore/camping in the mountains from Denver
Occasional tow vehicle

I plan to lightly modify either vehicle with agressive tires and maybe a small lift. I will spend plenty of time off road but I don't look for trouble(regularly bypass).

Why a Range rover sport over a LR3? Mostly the power of the supercharged version of the Range rover sport. Coming from a 400hp V8 Hyundai Genesis the LR3 just doesn't get it done for me. I also like the body of the RRS much more.

Range Rover Sport Pro's

Has soul and i've always wanted a rover(always chicken out)
A great looking car
More power
More off road capable**
On the more reliable land rover platforms(LR3/Lr4/Sport). Still a rover.
A community of fellow off roaders.. Sounds unimportant but I like group off roading.
Aftermarket add ons exist

Basically a lower LR3
20" wheels are stupid off road
Parts will fail and be $$$(Driveway mechanic/I do my own work/have diagnostics for ABS/Engine)
Kind of Jersey shore showoff/More ostentatious
hard to find local and maintenance is much more important. Finding a well maintained one, from a private seller, and at the right price will be tricky.
Cargo space is very limited.
Aftermarket add ons are expensive.
Depreciates like it was made for it.

GX470 Pro's
Parts are cheaper
Less ostentatious
Cargo room for camping/dog
3rd row
Slower depreciation

More boring/antiseptic
Basically a fancy 4runner..
A bit down on power vs supercharged RRS(not a big deal)
Less off road capable** Thoughts below.
Little to no aftermarket(but probably cheaper)

In between things
Land rover has more power but because its a fat pig isn't that much faster than a GX470.

The GX470 Atrac system is very capable but I have to give the nod to the Range Rover based on reading/video's. I think the Rover must have more articulation but doesn't seem to get hung up as easily. Either will get the job done getting me to the top of a mountain. It's worth noting that the Rover's wheels limit tire choice and the GX470 has a considerable advantage in that dept(17" vs 20").

Neither have skid plating stock. I'm sure getting one for the GX470 will be much easier(4 runner based).

Both vehicles need some suspension lift for 32" tires and both fit 31's stock.

Right now i'm leaning towards the RRS but I go back and forth.

I know this is the Rover section but I had to pick one or the other.


If we are voting, my vote would be for the Sport... I haven't looked into Sport Ad On items, but I suspect you should be able to do the basics.. I would also hope there are other wheel choices..


How is a RRS being the same as an LR3 a CON?! Maybe just less cargo space/different body style if that's what you're saying.

I would hope the same wheel selection exists as the D3, but honestly you could just find a set of LR3/D3 wheels and boom, 18" wheels. Especially since they share the same drivetrain.

The 470 AFAIK is not a 4runner-platform, you're thinking of it being a nicer Land Cruiser. Also at this point a lot of the depreciation of an 07 RRS has already happened. You're not going to be paying anywhere CLOSE to the new MSRP. So I'd consider myself lucky it depreciated. ;)


How is a RRS being the same as an LR3 a CON?! Maybe just less cargo space/different body style if that's what you're saying.

I would hope the same wheel selection exists as the D3, but honestly you could just find a set of LR3/D3 wheels and boom, 18" wheels. Especially since they share the same drivetrain.

The 470 AFAIK is not a 4runner-platform, you're thinking of it being a nicer Land Cruiser. Also at this point a lot of the depreciation of an 07 RRS has already happened. You're not going to be paying anywhere CLOSE to the new MSRP. So I'd consider myself lucky it depreciated. ;)

The LR3 comment was just to counter the con that the GX470 is on a 4runner platform. The LR3 is great and I would buy one if it had the supercharged engine... A gx470 is basically a AWD 4runner with rear air suspension and nice seats. The same comparison can hold up in the LR3 vs RRS comparison. At least in the LR3 vs the RRS the supercharged engine stands out where the 4runner/GX470 isn't much to go on.

I was also under the impression that the LR3 is better off road which makes the RRS being a lowered LR3 a con as well.

I'm pretty sure the GX470 is based on the 4runner with the land cruiser's lexus cousin being the LX470.

I also think I need to test drive another LR3 because the one I drove wasn't in good shape.
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I'm pretty sure the GX470 is based on the 4runner with the land cruiser's lexus cousin being the LX470.

EDIT: ah yes I see. I could have sworn it was based not off the 4runner but off of a Sequoia... but wikipedia tells me otherwise. I would go with the LR, or scrap the 470 and find a 4runner if that's really what you're after. You could check out the later LR3/LR4, I know they have 5.0L's around, not quite sure which ones if any got a supercharger.
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The gx470 120 series are pretty sweet rigs. You can find some of the newer ones (I believe 06+) with KDSS and they are cheap to lift as most stuff from 4runners will fit the GX. Check out the 120 series sub forum over on MUD for some more info and pics on them.

Like stated earlier, a big plus of the GX is not only teliability, but they come stock with 17s and allow you to run 33s very easily without much modification, unlike the LR3/4/RRS.

The LR4 ('10-'13) are all 5.0 v8s, but non came with the supercharger option, unfortunately. The 2014+ LR4s are a v6 with supercharger. Most people like the older model 5.0s better.


1. Drive them both. That should answer your question better than us.
2. LR4/'10+ RRS have 5.0 motors@375HP (IIRC) might put it back into your comfort zone without the supercharger.
3. I agree, look at the 4Runner also (or don't call the Jersy Shore aspect of the RRS a negative, LOL)
4. I seem to remember reading that the "HD" package (locking rear diff and full size spare) is way more common (maybe standard) on the Supercharged RRS.
5. Nothing looks like a Rover, and the traditional Rover seating position is just about perfect for a multipurpose vehicle.
6. Drive them both.

Way, way out thought....A capable mechanic (home or otherwise) should be able to pick up a clean, but cheap, LR3 and swap the early 4.2 Supercharged motor (with many miles less) in with minimal issues. Reprogramming the ECU VINs and immobilizer keys the most likely stumbling block. This might even be done for less than a newer, lower mileage RRS Supercharged. In fact, I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened yet.


Drove both. See what you like.

The sport is 5 inches shorter in the frame than the 3. That does help with off roading, less chance of getting hung up on something.

The brakes on the sport at the front are 4 pot Brembos. EPC yellow stuff pads at the front, ultimate pads at the back and drilled and grooved discs on them work a treat. I have the 4 pots on my LR3 as the hubs are the same. It's a fantastic upgrade for a 3 and fits under 19" wheels. You can also get aftermarket 18s to fit as well.

An iid tool is a wise investment. It will act as a main dealer diagnostic tool you keep in the car. Just in case.

They can be built up for the use you want. One of the Expo head guys made up a Sport for off roading and camping and it's a nice package. Have a look for the thread and it will give you a lot of ideas.

The good thing with land rovers and the community of them, is that there are plenty of owner forums, which have plenty of detailed how to guides, from changing brakes, to servicing to changing suspension bits. They also have great search functions so if you do have a problem. It's easily searched and the cause found.

As for sticking a 4.2 in a 3. Won't happen for the same reasons we can't stick 3.6 tdv8s into our 2.7 tdv6 discos.
The ecus won't talk to each other. The engine will fit. The electrics won't talk to each other so it won't start or run.
Shame really as it would be a good fun project.


Selfishly would love to find more Land Rover enthusiasts in Denver! When you get that RRS setup lets go hit some trails!


1. Drive them both. That should answer your question better than us.
2. LR4/'10+ RRS have 5.0 motors@375HP (IIRC) might put it back into your comfort zone without the supercharger.
3. I agree, look at the 4Runner also (or don't call the Jersy Shore aspect of the RRS a negative, LOL)
4. I seem to remember reading that the "HD" package (locking rear diff and full size spare) is way more common (maybe standard) on the Supercharged RRS.
5. Nothing looks like a Rover, and the traditional Rover seating position is just about perfect for a multipurpose vehicle.
6. Drive them both.

Way, way out thought....A capable mechanic (home or otherwise) should be able to pick up a clean, but cheap, LR3 and swap the early 4.2 Supercharged motor (with many miles less) in with minimal issues. Reprogramming the ECU VINs and immobilizer keys the most likely stumbling block. This might even be done for less than a newer, lower mileage RRS Supercharged. In fact, I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened yet.

Driving them is easier said than done. First they are hard to find used in my city, If I do find one its typically private owned and i'm not going to waste someones time with a test drive, and the others I find are high mileage auction pieces of shi* at used car lots. Some may be suitable for a test drive but completely off the table as a purchase.

I'd be perfectly fine doing a fly and drive home with a member of a reputable forum that I could speak with but searching craigslist and buying a plane ticket over a craigslist deal is a no go. I'm having a hard time finding an active enough land rover forum where members are selling vehicles regularly.

To me engine swaps are for toys and I wouldn't attempt it on a daily driver and surely not be the first to try lol.

The LR4/10' RRS are a bit out of the range i'd like to spend. I could but just don't want to or see the need to spend almost double the money.

4runner is out as a consideration.

HD package is nice and I like the idea of having a mechanical locker(although the Traction control is good enough).

The standard Range Rover has moved up the list considerably in the past day or 2 worth of research. As a bonus they seem to be easier to find. 07'+

List as it stands

Range Rover Sport Supercharged
L322 Range Rover Supercharged
Range Rover HSE

I like the LR3's additional cargo over the looks of the RRS but like the RRS supercharged more than the LR3. If i'm considering RRS HSE vs LR3 i'd buy the LR3.

I really like the standard l322 interior and height. If the reliability is similar I will probably go that route. Either direction I go the land rover/range rover will recieve larger/aggressive all terrains which IMO take away some of the yuppie stigma they have(especially the RRS/RR).

Drove both. See what you like.

The sport is 5 inches shorter in the frame than the 3. That does help with off roading, less chance of getting hung up on something.

The brakes on the sport at the front are 4 pot Brembos. EPC yellow stuff pads at the front, ultimate pads at the back and drilled and grooved discs on them work a treat. I have the 4 pots on my LR3 as the hubs are the same. It's a fantastic upgrade for a 3 and fits under 19" wheels. You can also get aftermarket 18s to fit as well.

An iid tool is a wise investment. It will act as a main dealer diagnostic tool you keep in the car. Just in case.

They can be built up for the use you want. One of the Expo head guys made up a Sport for off roading and camping and it's a nice package. Have a look for the thread and it will give you a lot of ideas.

The good thing with land rovers and the community of them, is that there are plenty of owner forums, which have plenty of detailed how to guides, from changing brakes, to servicing to changing suspension bits. They also have great search functions so if you do have a problem. It's easily searched and the cause found.

As for sticking a 4.2 in a 3. Won't happen for the same reasons we can't stick 3.6 tdv8s into our 2.7 tdv6 discos.
The ecus won't talk to each other. The engine will fit. The electrics won't talk to each other so it won't start or run.
Shame really as it would be a good fun project.

I bought an IID tool last time I went through this buy a land rover craze i'm currently in when I was looking at the Discovery II. Almost a given due to all the ABS light issues. On a positive note its worked very well on a couple repairs to my BMW.

As of yesterday the standard Range Rover L322 has moved up my list considerably. I could pick up a 2007+ for a good price and based on some reading the 03-06 years were more of a problem.

How much more reliable is a LR3/RRS than a L322 07+?

Selfishly would love to find more Land Rover enthusiasts in Denver! When you get that RRS setup lets go hit some trails!

Still a ways away but i'm definitely headed up that way before the end of the year. I'm also into dual sport/adventure motorcycles(have a few) and camping.

Logic says GX470 or another Grand Cherokee(owned one before) but my heart just cant move past a Rover. I'd rather try this time and get burned than to keep wanting one and driving something else.


Owning a Rover was a life lesson for me... It thought me that some dreams should stay dreams... Like my LR service manager once told me, Rovers are very expensive vehicles to buy, and very expensive vehicles to maintain... He recommended buying new and change every 3 years or move to another brand.... And he was president of the local Land Rover club!!!!

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk


Well, it won't keep up with a Supercharged RRS, but my 2005 GX feels very fast for an SUV. The 2005+ models get the vvti engine with a bump in power.

That said, I would probably just get a 4Runner if I had to do it over again. The air suspension and swingout rear door on the GX are annoying at best. Not sure I would want to deal with a 10 year old supercharged Rover. Although I bet when it is running right it is a hoot to drive. I just wonder how many times in a year it won't be running quite right.


Owning a Rover was a life lesson for me... It thought me that some dreams should stay dreams... Like my LR service manager once told me, Rovers are very expensive vehicles to buy, and very expensive vehicles to maintain... He recommended buying new and change every 3 years or move to another brand.... And he was president of the local Land Rover club!!!!

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

I've owned numerous Land Rovers. It took me five to learn this lesson.

Also look at Land Cruisers and LX's.



New member
Hi, i have a 2005 RRS SC
It has done 236000 mainly troublefree km. Had it since 168000km, only once has the air suspension had problems, and that was only a 80€ wheel sensor.

The SC has brembo front brakes so D3 wheels wont fit but compomotive makes a set in 18" that do fit (i have these) i run 275/65-18 toyo AT tyres with no problems.


Expedition Leader
Realistically the complexity of all vehicles has converged to the same level and so maintenance cost are similar. JLR reliability has increased immensely since the mid-2000's. Figure out what you want, find the right candidate (all can be abused and cost a lot to bring back to your requirements) and go for it.

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