beardus supremous
First of all, I do understand some questions I have may have been answered before. If so, please just send me to a link. Second, I'm a jeep guy, and in very unchartered waters here.
Basically, the past week I have done way too much research and these are a couple things I still haven't found answers to. It is in regards to an 2005 tundra AC I am looking at. V8, 167,xxx miles, as-is sale at a dealer for $4450. The pickup seems pretty sound after going threw it today, aside from 4lo did not engage (may have been operator error) and check engine light is on.
Question 1: anything in particular I should be looking out for during a check engine light diagnostic? I.e. I had read about issues with secondary air pumps that may have included 05 model years.
Question 2: I've read about guys swapping transfer cases from electronic to manual, but mostly on 00-03 models. Is it possible on an 05? Can a Toyota transfer case be swapped? Is it just a bolt up and deal with the ADD on the front diff?
Thank you guys again. P.s. Don't tell the jeep guys I may be switching benches.
Basically, the past week I have done way too much research and these are a couple things I still haven't found answers to. It is in regards to an 2005 tundra AC I am looking at. V8, 167,xxx miles, as-is sale at a dealer for $4450. The pickup seems pretty sound after going threw it today, aside from 4lo did not engage (may have been operator error) and check engine light is on.
Question 1: anything in particular I should be looking out for during a check engine light diagnostic? I.e. I had read about issues with secondary air pumps that may have included 05 model years.
Question 2: I've read about guys swapping transfer cases from electronic to manual, but mostly on 00-03 models. Is it possible on an 05? Can a Toyota transfer case be swapped? Is it just a bolt up and deal with the ADD on the front diff?
Thank you guys again. P.s. Don't tell the jeep guys I may be switching benches.