05 tundra pitfalls?

beardus supremous

First of all, I do understand some questions I have may have been answered before. If so, please just send me to a link. Second, I'm a jeep guy, and in very unchartered waters here.

Basically, the past week I have done way too much research and these are a couple things I still haven't found answers to. It is in regards to an 2005 tundra AC I am looking at. V8, 167,xxx miles, as-is sale at a dealer for $4450. The pickup seems pretty sound after going threw it today, aside from 4lo did not engage (may have been operator error) and check engine light is on.

Question 1: anything in particular I should be looking out for during a check engine light diagnostic? I.e. I had read about issues with secondary air pumps that may have included 05 model years.

Question 2: I've read about guys swapping transfer cases from electronic to manual, but mostly on 00-03 models. Is it possible on an 05? Can a Toyota transfer case be swapped? Is it just a bolt up and deal with the ADD on the front diff?

Thank you guys again. P.s. Don't tell the jeep guys I may be switching benches.

beardus supremous

This is a photo of the weapon FYI.


Expedition Leader
Cel could be anything. Get the code will help. The air pump is a common issue but fairly cheap fix if you just by pass it.

Manual t case swap is possible. Use one from a 3rd gen runner with no electronics. Sean.pistol member on here as done it.

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Retired Tanker

That's about half of the KBB value of $8 - 11K.

Typical issues are the air injectors (as you mentioned) and then frame rust. There was just a recall issued for the frame, but it depends on when that truck was sold. If it's over 12 years ago, then you're out of luck. Given that you're in Maine, I would seriously inspect the hell out of the frame. Also want to know what the code is. Most parts stores (like Autozone) will pull the code for free. The only other issue would be whether the timing belt was changed (recommended at 90,000).

I've got the 2005 Sequoia, so same basic frame and drive train. I just pushed to odo over 214,000. Only issue so far has been a cam shaft position sensor. I put the second timing belt on a couple of months ago.

For that price I would ask them to let you take it to a mechanic that you trust (or even the dealer) for an inspection.

Sometimes you stumble on a steal, but dealers aren't dummies...


Frame, frame , frame. Local dealer had pile of old frames removed as part of recall. Rust problems were unbelievable given the bodies looked fine. It still amazes me that this has not ended with Toyota after two generations of Tacomas as well as Tundras and Sequoias. This is not rocket science. Had a 2002 Tundra, great truck, traded it long before the frame problem would show up.


Expedition Leader
Frame, frame , frame. Local dealer had pile of old frames removed as part of recall. Rust problems were unbelievable given the bodies looked fine. It still amazes me that this has not ended with Toyota after two generations of Tacomas as well as Tundras and Sequoias. This is not rocket science. Had a 2002 Tundra, great truck, traded it long before the frame problem would show up.

It's not any worse than any other manufacturer

beardus supremous

I appreciate the comments. I have been there a couple times, and have checked the frame over a couple of times to check for rust and cracks. Looks kosher from my inspection.

As for the timing belt, I would most likely just change it out myself to know that it had been done.

I will end up grabbing a CEL reader from work as I am a tech anyways, to see what it is.

I did read Sean pistols posts, however he had an older tundra, and that is why I was asking about the 05-06 trucks with the 5 speed trannys.

Thank you again for the knowledge I'm getting!!


Yes, 4 hi worked, 4 low did not. I did not try 4 hi to 4 lo hower. I'm not too worried about it.

You have to have the truck in 4Hi and then stop, put truck in Nuetral, then push the 4LO button. 4Hi light will still be on as it must be engaged prior to going into 4Lo. Cannot go straight from 2wd to 4Lo


I thought the same thing when I test drove my Tundra. There should be instructions under the driver side sun visor. Have them knock a few bucks off since 4lo "does not engage" ;)

beardus supremous

You have to have the truck in 4Hi and then stop, put truck in Nuetral, then push the 4LO button. 4Hi light will still be on as it must be engaged prior to going into 4Lo. Cannot go straight from 2wd to 4Lo

Ha this was why I had said it may have been operator error. After getting home, I had read this on the almighty Internet that this was the order of operations to get it into 4 lo.

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