07 Off The Leash Adventure Xterra


Minor mod day today. Relocated the trailer harness from its hanger below the hitch up into the bumper. Been on the list for awhile, and this lazy Sunday seemed like the perfect day to deal with it. I cut the old hanger off the hitch, ground it smooth, and hot it with some rocker guard.

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My wife bought some new led string lights and a comfy comforter for the RTT. So up she goes in the back yard. We're taking the inlaws camping next long weekend,so I've also been getting the trailer all prepped.

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Replaced the broken stock 12v socket with a new one. I had previously installed a 12 volt Blue Sea lockable socket below it for the fridge. I ran a dedicated line direct from the aux battery to it.

I also ran some tie down loops from the seat mounting brackets to be able to steal stuff down securely with.

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And my next project. A 75 and/or 150 watt mobile solar setup. I plan to use it for the travel trailer and Xterra. I had originally planned on mounting a permanent setup on the trailer roof, but figured a mobile setup would allow me to take a single 75 watt panel with the Xterra or two panels with the trailer.

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We just sold our beloved travel trailer. Spring time pricing is to hard to pass up. Curious how you feel a Roof Top tent compares?


We just sold our beloved travel trailer. Spring time pricing is to hard to pass up. Curious how you feel a Roof Top tent compares?

Two different tools for two different adventures I guess. The trailer is great, we've spent a couple weeks on the Oregon Coast a few years in a row. I really like it. The rooftop tent really allows us to push the boundaries of where we get to explore and camp. We can also use the rooftop tent for overflow if we take nephews and nieces camping with the trailer. This weekend we will be staying in the RTT and will let my inlaws stay in the trailer.


Not so much an adventure, more of an R&R weekend. Though the Wife and I did discuss our little 3 day adventure trip into the Boundary region and West Kootenays in two weeks.
And the Mt. Shasta passed the rain test in flying colors, she kept us warm and dry while it poured rain all night Sunday. (We took the in-laws camping and let them stay in our trailer)

And what would camping be without food. My take on the classic, I call it Huevos Pickardos (after the forestry campground we stayed at)



Looking good. Check out highway 31 around trout lake if you can when doing the west Kootenay trip


Looks like a blast! How'd the Xterra do loaded down with 4 adults, the RTT, and pulling the camper?
She pulled the trailer just fine, slow and easy. 4 adults, 2 dogs, and a trailer fully loaded with water and everything we would need for 3 days. I wouldnt pull it a long distance under those conditions, but an hour or so was ok.
Patiently waiting for the start of the May long weekend. A camping we will go.

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Looking good. Check out highway 31 around trout lake if you can when doing the west Kootenay trip
Yeh, im not sure we will have time but its in the back of my head. I've ridden Hwy 31A from Kaslo over the mountains and it is fantastic. So much to consider in the Kootenays. We will be driving the Old Cascade Highway from Christina Lake overvto Rossland and i am going to try to connnect some shorter forest service roads together as well.

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I installed a rooftop cargo rack today. I needed somewhere to store fuel cans, water, the chainsaw, and some other stuff. Funds didn't really allow for a whole new roof rack or rear bumper setup, so for now I've sort of whipped this up. It's a $45 hitch mounted cargo rack. I've tweaked it a bit, removed the wet box lid, and bolted on top of the Xterra. I have used large muffler type clamps so I can remove it if required down the road. I'll probably tidy it up a bit at the front, but aside from that I think it looks ok.

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