So I mocked these mounts up for my 20" alley lights. This will keep it low profile and under the awning on the pas. side. I should be able to cut, clean up, bend and weld directly to the rack. On to my least favorite part.... wiring
Love what you did with the storage space above the switches. I'm doing the same thing using my factory switch plate and switches above. The Xterra center console is coming out and we are replacing with a V8 Pathfinder center console, More details to come in my Phase 2 post
I just had the extra blanks from the xterra and they just so happen to fit mostly perfectly. I'll add one more switch blank and make a finishing plate for it.
Added some theft deterrence; Cable, Bike Lock, Padlocks, but it's parked inside if i am not using it. Also saved some room and added quickfists to the backside of the awning. They're on the passenger side so should be safe for accident purposes. I'll likely wrap a long cable around them and the awning with a padlock as well.
Thank you Kootenay, it's always a good thing to mention. I did my research and just was set on utilizing that space for transport only. Then I thought of a rear pas. lighting something and we go boom. So at the moment, it's transported on the roof rack
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