1/2 ton trucks with 7700 GVWR


As far as I understand it, your I94 needs to be valid for 1 year to get a CA license. That's not the case with the visa waiver program.

AFBronco, any of these trucks have over 7700. That's what the legal limit with a German license is. Unless DMV or any law states that a foreign license is equivalent to a US class C license. But the texts available just tell you that you're allowed to drive with your foreign license as long as it's valid. Well, and the German license is not valid for over 7700# - in Germany. If it this wasn't the case, there'd probably already be a nice bricknosed F350 in the driveway.
I know Ben from back in Germany and will likely be the one buying the truck for him - German as well, but with another visa, and so a US license. Not that anybody had ever cared about our truck being over 7700 while I didn't have it yet - but you never know what happens with lawyers in this country once you're in an accident.

calicamper, thanks for the searchtempest link. Didn't know that.

Kaisen, he's looking for a capable 4x4 big enough for a truck camper+wife+little one. Which should be extended cab I guess.



What about the 1998-1999 F250 with 4x4 and SuperCab? Where they available with 7700lbs GVWR? They look the same as the 1999 - 2003 F150 7700. They even have the 7 Lug wheel ends....


What about the 1998-1999 F250 with 4x4 and SuperCab? Where they available with 7700lbs GVWR? They look the same as the 1999 - 2003 F150 7700. They even have the 7 Lug wheel ends....

Yes, same exact thing. Per several other posts earlier in this thread. Including the very first response (mine) fifteen minutes after your original.


Expedition Leader
Search Tempest is GREAT!!! Set your mileage range and I know some people set notifications so they get an email when something new pops up.
The last three vehicles I have bought were all found via searchtempest as owner seller craigs list postings. All three were very strait forward sellers were 100% up front and also valued a buyer who was 100% up front and not shifty and non responsive etc.

The last car was for Grandpa this past April 2005 SLK 350 no joke 13,000 miles on it!!!! Original owner all records. We flew from SFO to Seattle after getting lucky and having a friend in the area during Easter who knows the cars and did a full inspection for us. We booked a service appt in Seattle for alignment at a performance shop and they set up an oil change for us down the street with a great shop they often work with. We took a Taxi to the shop strait from the airport checked out the car, hopped a street trolly down to the Bank where the seller met us, did the deal. We went had lunch, went back up the hill grabbed the car hit the Bainbridge Ferry and were in Port Townsend for dinner! 1000mile drive home in a great 2 seater Oh yes you take the coast! LOL

I will not buy any USED cars from dealer lots in CA today! Most of our major brand Auto dealers in the Bay Area are owned by large Auto groups which are dancing a very fine line of price fixing in the CA Auto market including used cars! I even had one Toyota sales manager flat out tell me "Your welcome to drive 600 miles out of my region" to find a better deal < this was on a used vehicle! All the comps he showed me were the same truck sitting on sister dealer lots owned by the same company and priced the same!

Stick with private sellers!!!!! Check for dealer records vs miles recorded at those dealer visits to confirm the mileage hasn't been tampered with.
Good luck
Take your time!!!


Hey Kaisen,

thanks, it just took a while to dawn on me :)

@ calicamper: WOW, that sounds like a little mafia thing is going on in SF. But as I said, I can´t ask Mike to fly arround for me to get my perfect car.



Expedition Leader
Its pretty bad and they are pretty obvious about it. Keep waiting for Tesla in its battle to sell direct to simply gather evidence of this Auto Group practice and ask the States Attorney to investigate. To top it off if your a CA resident your not allowed to purchase NEW cars out of state. Meaning any car with less than 7500 miles on it you buy outside of CA then bring home and register it faces stiff double tax penalties and lots of questions from DMV. Again the result of CA dealers having lots of Power and Lobbyists in Sacramento.

For used Trucks I consider Oregon the best source on the west coast. They typically do not drive as many miles as CA drivers, they have lower speeds, in many cases more disposable income thus take better care of their trucks. Central Valley Trucks can see lots of heavy AG use and abuse and due to CA used car values being sky high your typical city slicker clean used pickup thats never hardly hauled more than Home Depot house projects will be priced VERY high.


For used Trucks I consider Oregon the best source on the west coast. They typically do not drive as many miles as CA drivers, they have lower speeds, in many cases more disposable income thus take better care of their trucks. Central Valley Trucks can see lots of heavy AG use and abuse and due to CA used car values being sky high your typical city slicker clean used pickup thats never hardly hauled more than Home Depot house projects will be priced VERY high.

Some clean trucks come out of Oregon. I was looking at F250 recently.



Hi everyone,

after a bit more than 3 years I´m about to sell our loved truck camper set-up.


I flew in to ask at the DMV about the relevance of my german restriction to 3.5t / 7700LBS. They did not have a opinion on it and sent me to the CHP. I showed the officer my licence and asked what he would do with me if he would catch me driving a heavier truck. After he spoke to his colleagues he told me, no problem unless I do it privatly (not commercial). So I gave it a chance and bought a 2003 F250 Crew Cab 4x4.

We were very happy with the decision and never had any problem not even a contact with the officials. All together we spent 3 months traveling through the US and Canada and the set-up worked perfectly for us.

Thanks for all your help and maybe your interessted in the set-up. You will not regret it.


Mickey Bitsko

I have a 99' F-150 7700 and carry a 2005 FWC Eagle. With all the stuff I need and two adults we are right at gvw.
What do you have in mind for truck camper?
Assumtion on my part.



Hi Mickey,

thanks but I got everything. Now I wanna sell ;-)


PS: I´m close to 8800 LBS with my setup fully packed for big trip. Surprisingly the weight distribution between axles is great!


I drive a 1994 Dodge 2500 5.2l magnum. Classified as a Light Duty truck, with the 9.25 rear axle and the dana 44 front, 3.5 gears. It's essentially a v8 jeep of the same year with a 3/4 long bed frame and body. Around 3k, easy to work on... transmission is the only real downfall (aside from overall MPG), as the 46rh is a known weak point in stock form. The engine has a following, so easy to upgrade performance, and a HD version of the transmission can be had for $1500, not including core and install. Since the truck is, otherwise, a gem, there is aftermarket support and swap-able upgrades from earlier model 2500's. The 4x4 transfer case is relatively easy to maintain and so far the truck has just plain worked for me.


Hey Ben, where did you find the info about what car/truck you were allowed to drive with your German license? I am Swiss and thus in a similar position. Plus, I see you settled on an F250. Any problems there?


Hi Cent, I went to the CHP (City Highway Patrol) and asked the officer in charge. A Colleague of mine hired an even heavier truck with friends and they even had an accident, but the license was never an issue.
At my insurance (AAA) I was honest too, but the didn´t care ether.
At RV-Rentals they are also very relaxed with the drivers licenses. Some ask for the international driver license but in fact it is not needed for thr US (at least for germans).

So don´t worry about the weight restriction too much...

Have fun


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