1 Bored Clerk
Door opening work is happening!
Working on getting all of the corners cleaned up and tangent to their adjacent edges.
Laying out the plate that will serve as the surface the bulb seals will seal against
Test fitting the door seal plate. Once I got here, I thought more about the stackup of the door and bulb seal and decided I needed to space this back 1/4” to make room for the compressed bulb seal.
I picked up a half sheet of 1/4” marine grade plywood to make the spacer.
Hopefully I’m thinking about this all correctly. I’m not really sure how much the bulb seal should be compressed when the door is closed. I’m planning for it to compress to juuust flat but not compressed as tight as it can possibly go. That should still leave a small amount of compression left for camper twist and thermal changes but be compressed enough to keep the camper door sealed and rattle free. We’ll see!
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Working on getting all of the corners cleaned up and tangent to their adjacent edges.

Laying out the plate that will serve as the surface the bulb seals will seal against

Test fitting the door seal plate. Once I got here, I thought more about the stackup of the door and bulb seal and decided I needed to space this back 1/4” to make room for the compressed bulb seal.

I picked up a half sheet of 1/4” marine grade plywood to make the spacer.
Hopefully I’m thinking about this all correctly. I’m not really sure how much the bulb seal should be compressed when the door is closed. I’m planning for it to compress to juuust flat but not compressed as tight as it can possibly go. That should still leave a small amount of compression left for camper twist and thermal changes but be compressed enough to keep the camper door sealed and rattle free. We’ll see!
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