10 hours of blood, sweat, and not going to lie some tears. Damn you rusted U- bolts!


Just installed lower ball joints and OME leaf springs on my 03" DC Tacoma and must say I'm glad I don't have to do that again for a while. Lower ball joints weren't to bad except I pealed the threads off one bolt and was able to chase the threads for a replacement. Found out the grease zerks I put on are not accessible, so I have to install some at a 40 degree. Ahh yes, now on to the leaf spring fiasco. First let me say that these have been on for 250k miles and that the salt brine that we have in the Tahoe area is gnarly. Had to cut off three U-bolts and was relived that I was able to salvage one as NAPA only had three in stock. If anyone has some words of wisdom, please let them fly. This is more of a venting post than anything else. I owe my friend a huge Tri Tip dinner for all his hard work and time.


I would go ahead and replace the last u-bolt. Replace all 4.

Ill defiantly do that. Our little parts store only had three in stock. I should've thought about the bolts being a pain before I started and bought new ones. Lesson learned. Thanks.


Prolly too late to tell you this... :p U-Bolts aren't supposed to be reused...we always cut the old ones off. With new ones sitting ready to go...

Same with the bolts on the lower balljoint that connects it to the spindle...replace with new as well.

I just redid my whole front suspension, (so I feel your pain) no rust living in AZ though (sorry man, :D )

New upper and lower balljoints, axles, control arm bushings, rebuilt the coil-overs. Plus rebuilt and balanced the drive shaft, new axle bearings and seals in the rear-end too...She rides and drives better than new now.
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Ha! I don't even plan on putting a wrench on the old u bolts any more, just get ready to cut them out from the get go. Even on reasonably clean trucks they don't ever seem to come out without a fight. Good job.


Tour Guide
When I first starting replacing leaf springs years ago, the spring shop told me something like the u bolts over time are stretching under the stress, and should never be trusted and reused. Always cut off and replace.


The weird thing is the old OME leafs had 250k miles on them and when the job was done the new OME leafs sat just as flat as the old ones. Thoughts?

deadbeat son

No thoughts on the flatness of the OME leaves, but I put a set of springs on an FJ60 I had 15 or so years ago, and I had to torch them out. The spring pins for the rear were seized to the bushings. If I remember correctly, we had to melt out the bushings with a torch. I didn't have new pins, and lived in BFE, so I needed to reuse the old ones to reassemble the truck and drive it the next day.


The leaf springs were OME from 2004 with OME bushings. Surprised to find they were in great condition and cleaned them and lathered them in grease for reuse. I don't wash the whole truck throughout the winter but usually pressure wash the undercarriage four to five time during the winter.


Here are a few pics of the spring and one of the truck. The truck sits level but the leaf srpings are flat. These are the heavy OME 7 pack leafs. I didn't think they would look flat. At least they're not frowning at me. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgsorry if they are side ways. I used this Ipad camera and can't figure out how to rotate the image.


Wow! I guess I lucked out. 3 hours to pull both both leaf packs, add 3 leaves per side and and reinstall - new u-bolts and centering pins came with the extra leaves bought from Wheelers. Time even included re-adjusting the parking brake...

Made a huge difference in the stance of the truck - specially with the RTT riding along.


Thank you. I thought there would have been a little more arch to the spring.

You're welcome

Wow! I guess I lucked out. 3 hours to pull both both leaf packs, add 3 leaves per side and and reinstall - new u-bolts and centering pins came with the extra leaves bought from Wheelers. Time even included re-adjusting the parking brake...

His 10 hours was lucky...mine was down for 6.5 weeks!, with this little refresh I recently did. Took 3 weeks for one part for the drive shaft to come in, plus I had a fussy axle seal that took 6 tries to get it right, that ate up the other 3.5 weeks, plus waiting on other parts to come in.
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I probably could've gotten the parts if our "auto parts" shop actually had parts. I refer to our NAPA as "No Auto Parts Available" O' Riley's told me I would be 10'days out. I think I'll start ordering everything I need two months ahead of time.

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