Alrighty! Moving forward, slowly but not. Been a busy few weeks in the Sierras with 4th of July Holidays and mega touristos. Was in our big 4th Parade, FUN!
Have been on the hunt for a LT front suspension or parts. Had narrowed my search to:
Total Chaos
Each kit in this list is quite similar. All run an upper and lower uniball at the spindle, all run factory spindle and hub, all run an 8" stroke 2.5"coilover netting ~16" claimed travel, similar track width on each, all have a bypass option. Most have options for heims frame side at the UCA/LCAs for ultimate ability to dial the alignment/wheel placement.
All are reputable and proven kits, and companies that will stand behind their product from what research i have been able to do.
The one kit that caught my eye and has real differences from the others is the Camburg.
Camburg runs a 1.5" lower uniball in their arm that they claim is much stronger, this larger uniball also gives their arm less ground clearance right at the tire due to its size. Some say it matters and makes the arm more vulnerable to hits. Since I'm not racing the Baja (yet) i see the arm possibly dragging over a rock, but don't see myself slamming random boulders at high speeds too regularly. **** does happen though.....
Camburg also has a cover for the upper uniball on their Kinetic billet arm (upgrade), something i swear by over and over living up in snow country. I currently run the ICON billet UCA with the covers! Having the uniball protected from the elements i believe, really saves it. Road grime, dirt, snow, water, ice, for months on end, accumulates in the cup atop the UCA, freezing and thawing constantly- and this causes huge damage to any surface ultimately wearing that joint prematurely. Anyhow- cover is sweet! my opinion.
Ultimately i had decided to purchase (or atleast focus on) the Camburg Kit. if and when, it ever showed up on sale or at a convenient time/price, i was going to grab it or parts of it. These dang front LT kits are pricey!!! (i already knew this but was in denial)
Low and behold, I'm cruising the web with some key words and i find a RaceDez add for a coilover/bypass shock set built for a 2nd gen Tundra!
I call, naturally

Guy is pulling them off his '16 CM and stepping up to bigger? Whoa!! he's gonna go play with the big boys and is building his truck to huck! Just so happens he works for Camburg. AND- he is selling his whole front LT setup, just hadn't listed it yet cuz he wasn't ready to swallow the meal. Only been on his truck a few months, so the story goes.
Anyhow, price was right. I bought it all!
Not my vehicle, this is the truck it came off.
Guy lives in So. Cal., so i jumped in my truck and went down to check it all out after asking plenty of ?s and getting lots of pics of everything on the celly.
Everything looked clean and cared for, normal use, couple small dings in the LCA's- cuz that dang huge 1.5"uni

Includes Fox 2.0 bumps and new cans, Fox DCS 2.5" dual rate coilovers, Fox 3.0 triple bypasses, bypass mounts, the new billet Kinetic UCA with frame side heims, LCAs also have Heims frame side. He is 2wd, so no LT CVs in the deal.
Still need to pile it all up and take some pics of the bling!
Then i need to acquire all the little ancillary items, like LT axles, and the time and balls to install!