12v fridge in bear country?


New member
Last time I backpacked in Yellowstone I packed in a portable bear fence. That was just for the campsite, we still did the bear bag/ tree thing. A portable fence could be used for your base camp perimeter. Perfect application. I made my own but there are companies that sell them. They show pictures of their fences around food caches and around their STOL planes in the middle of AK.

Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
Excuse my question: but I thought bears go mostly with their smell... I had no idea that they are already trained in identifying fridges by just looking at them through a car window... crazy.

Ravens in the desert have learned to unzip backpacks to get to food inside. Crafty bastids.


I'm always kind of curious about some of the things here too. Wouldn't covering a fridge with a blanket look just like a cooler? I totally get keeping the site clean etc. I've also wondered about the bear fencing. I've kind of felt like I do about locking doors...while it won't prevent someone completely they are more likely to go somewhere where there isn't a fence. Anyone have any real world experience that they have worked? Husky have you seen/heard it keep any bears away?


New member
No bear encounters for us on that trip. I did notice on that trip that the Dude Ranchers that run dudes into Slough Creek to fish had their packstock inside a portable fence. That would be a good source for real world experience. I've only heard/read secondhand that they are effective. Some claim the bears can smell the ozone. The clicking will drive some folks nuts. Google "yellowstone electric fence".

I like IdaSho's dog idea. I couldn't bring mine into Yellowstone.


If you can't bring the dog. Bring the bark.



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