1911 or Glock


New member
Handgun choice is right up there with the most personal of choices, way more so than Land Cruiser v. Land Rover and Ford v. Chevy. What I might pick might be totally different from somebody else and both may be the right answer.

Start with a quality firearm from a reputable company (what's reputable? find one of the guns being carried by professionals is a good start). Rent as many models as you can and test fire them at a range. Go with the one that fits your hand(s) best and then your specific planned carry/use regimen. Buy it + a boat load of ammo + quality holster/belt and get excellent instruction and train enough so that the motor skills are downloaded to your mid-brain so they can be performed under stress.

It may be you wind up with a Glock, 1911, a .32 Seecamp or a .454 Casul.

Solid advice right there. I have carried the following guns professionally (Glock 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, SW 5906, SW 4006, Beretta 92, Sig 226 and a Colt 1911) all have their pro's and cons. I feel you need to get the highest quality firearm you can purchase along with a "QUALITY" holster and other support gear. The most important thing is going out and getting behind the gun. Seek out professional training from a reputable instructor, put the time in necessary to be a professional with it. I currently CCW a G-19 w/ IWB or a SW Shield 9mm IWB. For my daily working gun I use a Gen 4 G-17.

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
Regarding magazine capacity...How many people really need to have more than a 1911 can carry? Do you get into firefights that often? Are you that bad of a shot?
Not sure if the difference is really that much of a factor compared to the individual's comfort and ability to shoot accurately with what ever gun they choose.
Obviously if you are a LEO or similar it would think it would become a bigger factor but for the average Joe? Let's face it, most of us are average Joes.......


Expedition Leader
There's a quote out there about ammo in a gunfight being like bubble gum in school and having enough to go around. Handguns, even with modern ammo, are notoriously poor man-stoppers. Seldom does one round stop someone, especially if they are determined. Add in all of the stresses of the situation, including that you now have a two way shooting range, that all parties are probably moving and that there is a good chance that you have more than one bad guy and suddenly you are wishing for something belt fed and a group of Navy SEALS by your side. That's obviously not practical so we make compromises down to a level which we find acceptable. For many of us a single stack gun and at least one extra magazine or a cylinder full and a reload fall within the realm of acceptable. Others feel better with more rounds (or a larger gun in the hand). Some alter their carry depending on where they are going. Carry whatever makes you happy and gets you out the door.


Regarding magazine capacity...How many people really need to have more than a 1911 can carry? Do you get into firefights that often? Are you that bad of a shot?
Not sure if the difference is really that much of a factor compared to the individual's comfort and ability to shoot accurately with what ever gun they choose.
Obviously if you are a LEO or similar it would think it would become a bigger factor but for the average Joe? Let's face it, most of us are average Joes.......

Carry what you can comfortably and accurately shoot. Capacity should be a secondary concern.

The nice thing here is a Glock generally will give you all of these. Learn to love a Glock and you'll never need another gun. Just based on what I've seen at the range at the academy, new officers from agencies that issue Glocks, as a group, shoot better groups sooner than new officers from agencies that issue something else.

Personally, I've carried Sigs and Glocks at work, and Sigs, Glocks, XDs, revolvers and 1911s off duty. I shoot Sigs really well, and I'm comfortable with them. I'm issued a Glock nowadays though, so I carry one off duty too.

All that matters is that you can shoot the gun. I'd say a Glock is the better choice for someone asking "1911 vs Glock?"

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