1941 the richardson pan-american expedition


That is just totally awsome.....what is great is its a 2WD car...I think a Packard, but could be wrong. But still 2WD, now that makes me feel good about my 2WD truck with limited slip diff! Another thing I was astonded by was .26 cents for a whole STOCK of bananas....dang if only we could back up the time of prices for today!

Thanks for finding and sharing!


Agreed. Excellent find. As I've posted elsewhere, a 2wd, when driven properly will astound many of us who are used to thinking that ONLY 4x4 should go a particular route.

(I think the car in the video is a 41 Plymouth.)


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
This is why I posted about the Perlinger Archives, this video and lots more are there and the vintage stuff is amazing to watch.
Tough men, tough vehicles and a completely different perspective on life.
Of course a bit of google **** and you will find some great info on the United Fruit Company

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
thanks for pointing the previous thread, I had missed it. I am going to merge this one with it.


New member
Awesome! No winch, snorkel, sand tracks, 4x4...

It would be fun/interesting to find a 41 Plymouth and do it now. Just for old times sake.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Awesome! No winch, snorkel, sand tracks, 4x4...

It would be fun/interesting to find a 41 Plymouth and do it now. Just for old times sake.

Like this one?




New member
As Sullivan Richardson's grandson, I was really excited when I saw this post. He certainly would be happy to know that he's had so many interested persons in his adventure!

I went ahead and posted both films, Rough Road to Panama and Rugged Road to Cape Horn on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D-5UT4BHE0.

I'm sad to report that the car is no more. However, one of the original doors (with the cool map painted on the side) is still around. It's hanging on the wall of a restaurant in Miami, Arizona. Here's a picture of the door: http://www.plymouthbulletin.com/images/Adventsouth/Image13.jpg.



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Wow that is super cool that you posted up....what a great family history.

And as a person who passes through Miami Az on a regular basis I will find that door and get a pic soon.

Again thanks very much and welcome to Expo!

Go to 33:40 for those of you who have seen the Panama part so you can see the "rest of the story"


Thank you! Thank you!

This is really great. I appreciate you sharing this with the world. It is an amazing story and film and we now get to see the second half. What a gift!
I have a signed copy of your grandfather's book on my shelf. It is inscribed as follows:

To "Oscar" and Mary
Whose own "episodes" of
adventure make most of
these look a little tame! My
very best of wishes to you both.
The author
Sullivan C Richardson

I was impressed by how modest he was...and I always wondered what sort of "episodes" Oscar and Mary had gotten into.
Thanks again for sharing this.

Best regards,

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