1976 Toyota Chinook: 1st Attempt


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Love the chinook interior! I have one myself the interior isn't as pimp. That's exactly how I wanted mine except a counter top flush with the fridge.


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Fellow Portlander here. I bought a '77 Chinook last year and had the same dreams. I chuckled when you described the angst of a daily commute in a rickety old truck in the city. Anyways, I keep going back and forth over keeping it or selling it. Love your build thread. Maybe I'll hold on to it a bit longer. Might hit you up with some questions down the road. Thanks for posting.
Maybe I missed it, but I was wondering how the TT seats worked out. DO you have enough leg/head room?

I put some Scion xB seats in a '87 Toyota pickup last year, and they were tall. Nice alternatives to stock pickup seats are hard to come up with.


Hey all, I'm going to do some final planning with my welder buddy before committing to this. Now thinking about not extending the wheelbase on the T100 and just trying to minimize any non-essential weight behind the rear axle.

Mikeyrules: thanks man! The interior arrangement is pretty sweet, I don't think id change anything if I were to do it over. One thought, just because I really like having the little seat between the fridge and counter, is to keep my setup but have a fold-down countertop extension that would span the gap between the countertop and the fridge. Then you have the seat like my setup with the option of countertop all the way to the fridge like you want.

Pmorin: I hear you man. The project looms at times and inspires at others! Let me know if you ever want to meet up and do some brainstorming.

Stoffregen: holy **** I just looked through some of your projects! Unbelievable work. The Audi seats work great but only because of the pass-thru which allows them to recline back into the camper a bit. For overhead clearance: I'm 5'10" and have a few inches between my head and the ceiling. These seats definitely would not work in a single cab without the pass thru unless you have short legs.


Idacamper: thanks! I just checked out your work and I'm super impressed! Sent the link along to some friends who are looking into campers.?coincidentally I grew up in Idaho and lived near you in Troy when I was really young (my dad taught at U of I). Beautiful area.


Super cool.

Yes, we love the area.

Moved here a bit more than a decade ago, on purpose.
We live right in town on the south side, just a few blocks from campus.

Thanks for the referrals! :)


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morox Sorry, I missed your reply. Yeah, lets get together sometime soon. Let me know when's a good time. I could use some inspiration.


Pmorin, the chinook is in the welding shop. I'll post here when it's in a more complete state and we can get together. Were you active in the Toyota chinook yahoo group with dudevato and others? Your name sounds familiar...


Noah: yes!!! Wheelbase extension is in full effect. I think I saw your rig flying down 26 east the other weekend as I was headed out for some surfing. How's the new setup treating you?


Looking forward to seeing more regarding the wheelbase extension as well. The T100 begs for it indeed.


New member
Morax: Yeah, I've posted in that a few times. In fact, it's how I found my Chinook, when a member mentioned he'd traded his in at a dealership outside of Portland. That's a funny story... Also, there's a very active group on Facebook called Toyota Motorhome Club with a bunch of Chinook owners.

Definately hit me up when you're ready. Love to see the progress on your rig, so I can copy it. ;-) I think I'm in the same place you were a while ago where I'm considering a 4x4 transplant or pulling the trigger and buying one outright.


New member
Morax: Yeah, I've posted in that a few times. In fact, it's how I found my Chinook, when a member mentioned he'd traded his in at a dealership outside of Portland. That's a funny story... Also, there's a very active group on Facebook called Toyota Motorhome Club with a bunch of Chinook owners.

Definately hit me up when you're ready. Love to see the progress on your rig, so I can copy it. ;-) I think I'm in the same place you were a while ago where I'm considering a 4x4 transplant or pulling the trigger and buying one outright.


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