I just read through both of your build threads, awesome stuff. Nice to see your truck getting lots of miles put on it, gives me inspiration to get mine closer every day.
The mission trip to Ensenada is something you and your daughter will remember forever. When I was in 6th grade my dad went with my class to an orphanage in Tecate, 35 of us kids paved 150ft x 15ft of road up a hill that was at least a 10% grade. did everything by hand, in the rain. Trips like that build character and appreciation for all the benefits we have living on this side of the border :sombrero: Pics like yours help assure all us DINK's that we do have something to look forward when the time comes
What are the chances you could grab a couple pics of the fuel tank? I think your frame has the narrower 33" rear width right/same as high boy? I know the Super Cabs and F350 2wd's shared a good bit of parts (depending one who was working in the factory that day lol). I'm trying to figure out a way to get some more fuel capacity into mine since my 460 is pretty thirsty. A saddle tank is kinda my last resort...