1980 Toyota Dolphin 4x4 RV...YES 4X4...Very Rare.


New member
Okay, I bought it...

Okay,please don't ask what I paid, but I bought this 4wd Dolphin...
I'm a drummer for a LA rock band and I needed a cheap expedition tour bus.

Interesting story for all you Toyota fans, last year I had a 1987 4wd Toyota Van
in absolutely mint condition that I took from coast to coast with no problems whatsoever...

Until it caught fire and went up in flames, burning up all my stuff including a rare French sculpture that I paid a buck for and later found out was worth ten grand..

But I digress...my point is that this thing has the same 20 R motor! Yikes!
I've heard of other yota vans going up in flames...wait.. is this like new thread type stuff?

Anyway any 20 R motor advice anyone? I know this things gonna be anemic, to be expected..(stepping out to buy fire extinguisher)



I don't know the specifics of the 20r motor but you should always have a fire extinguisher in any vehicle. I actually think it is required in motorhomes.
To prevent fires make sure there are no fuel leaks or old fuel lines. Check the carb. bolts now and then.
Make sure all electrical circuits are fused, people add stereos and such and tap right off the battery with no inline fuse, really bad idea.
If the alternator has been upgraded make sure the wiring can support the extra amps.
Keep the engine clean of grease, oil and fuel residue. Make sure the valve cover is not leaking onto the exhaust manifold.
Still the best thing is to be prepared for a fire, having a working extinguisher at hand can be the difference between a minor fire and complete distruction.
From experience I have had 2 vehicles catch fire using starting fluid and having them backfire thru the carb sending flaming starting fluid everywhere. Both times we had an extinguisher at hand and there was no damage.


they are good enough, just like any of the toyota R series engines they lack power. keep a fire extinguisher (even know i have NEVER seen one of these catch fire and i wheel with tons of guys running them)


Rendezvous Conspiracy
Dolphin4WD- Welcome to Expo. Congrats on the new rig! Bummer about your van, I love those things. I don't think there's anything unusual about the Toyota engines that make them prone to fires but I'd definitely carry an extinguisher or two.

FWIW- I understand your concern: I was a professional guitar player in my previous career. I had a load of expensive/irreplaceable gear stuffed inside the fiberglass shell of my '94 Toyota Pickup (22re) when the engine bay caught fire due to an electrical problem. I tried to toss all the gear onto the street but, of course, the latch on the door decided not to work and everything was trapped inside. It's a terrible feeling watching flames come out of your truck and realizing that 99% of your net worth is about to become kindling. Since then, I always carry one extinguisher in the cab and another in the bed along with a wrench to disconnect battery cables (can't extinguish an electrical fire unless the ignition source is gone).

(ps- The gear and truck were both saved)



New member

I appreciate the advice.
The mid engine configuration in my old van made the grease bulidup hard to spot, that is until it ignited, valve cover oil leaks could very well have been the root couse of the greasy buildup that caught fire, will be sure to watch for this..:smiley_drive:


New member
Okay, I blew it..

The motor is dead.
I'm putting the Dolphin on Ebay for 500 bucks, hope someone can use the parts or restore....

-Scott 707 362 9159

(Somebody is bound to need these sweet 4x4 parts, like the six bolt full floater..)

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