1984 Dodge W350 Crew Cab


Expedition Leader
Thanks. TWF has the pressed in centers in 3.5in backspacing only. I feel comfortable with my skills that I could probably cut and weld a set of centers in myself and save some cash.

Metcalf- I just read through your thread, those XML's look insane on your truck, I love it, but seeing those, I think I need to limit it to 315s, It looks like you have a ton of work in your fenders! I've got 2.5 in leafs upfront and maybe 6in shackle lift in the back with no factory lift block, so I'm thinking 37s really aren't going to fit...

Just depends on how much work you want to put in....or how you want it to look when your done. Sectioning all the fenders was a neat project.
For 37s you could get away with just trimming/pushing the ends of the fenders a little bit.


What are people's experiences/opinions on cross over steering? I read where it is mostly used on offroad road vehicles for good steering in really twisted situations, but I also read where people do it on some on DD type trucks and they say it makes the truck drive like a 2015. It's been so long since I've driven the truck, but I remember the steering being pretty typical and sloppy of an old truck. Is it a must? Definitely recommended?


I did it on my truck and it works really well. You just have to be awayer of possible interfearance with your springs. I ended up ditching my leafs I favor of coilovers to free up more space for articulation.


Crossover is how steering should come from the factory!!! The inverted-T linkage is so-so, the Y-linkage is just retarded on a solid axle truck (hello Jeep and some Rams). Just do it with TREs instead of heims, I know there are some heims out there that supposedly hold up great to road rash but I'd still rather have a fully-sealed unit. 1-ton Chevy TREs are the typical setup, most crossover and high-steer arms are either drilled straight for heims or have tapered for Chevy TREs (which may be the same as the Dodge TRE taper, but it certainly is not the same as the Ford TRE taper).


I'm going to add cross over steering to the list of wants, along with the Hummer wheels/tires, and then reevaluate once I get this thing on the road. I'm planning several days off to work on it the first two weeks of May and hope to have it going by then. The lady and I have a trip planned to the Outerbanks around Memorial Day and I reaaaaaly want to take it on that trip!


thanks, they do have good prices. I also found rallequip.com that has wheel tire combos for $1100 shipped for MTRs on 24 bolt wheels...

Anyone know the difference between the MTRs and MT OZs?

The MTRs are awesome tires and work great in every situation I have put them through including being t-boned by a chevy luv! The MT OZs are terrible and from most accounts don't work well in any situation. The only other one to consider are the BFG Baja TA, but I have no personal experience with them. Chaos616 has them on his truck and likes them a lot


rallequip combo you are looking at is for 50-60% tires. Their prices are a bit high, they want $850 before shipping for five MTRs at 80-90%, I paid $800 shipped for 5 at 90%+ from Feltz auto. You can also call them and ask for a price on wheel and tire combos. They will probably give you a deal since they wont have to take them apart.


The MTRs are awesome tires and work great in every situation I have put them through including being t-boned by a chevy luv! The MT OZs are terrible and from most accounts don't work well in any situation. The only other one to consider are the BFG Baja TA, but I have no personal experience with them. Chaos616 has them on his truck and likes them a lot


rallequip combo you are looking at is for 50-60% tires. Their prices are a bit high, they want $850 before shipping for five MTRs at 80-90%, I paid $800 shipped for 5 at 90%+ from Feltz auto. You can also call them and ask for a price on wheel and tire combos. They will probably give you a deal since they wont have to take them apart.

Awesome, thanks man!


Back at it this weekend. Big progress in that we started it up! Motor sounded great. Didn't have a fan belt serpentine belt yet though so only ran it for about 45 secs. Have the hydrobooster mounted and ended up modifying the brake pedal instead of the pushrod like most people do. It took long time getting it setup just right, but if it ever fails they will still take it back under warranty and/or core. I'm working now on getting all of the lines setup, anybody know the size of the fittings for the front/rear brake lines?
Next, I got the hydraulic clutch linkage setup, again modifying the pedal instead of the pushrod. This didn't work, and I've determined the standard duty stuff is just too weak to disengage the big kevlar ceramic clutch with a 3800# pressure plate. The firewall is going to have to be reinforced too as it was bending while trying to push the pedal in. The system just wasn't up to the task, the pedal effort was just crazy high. At first I thought I had messed up the throwout arm or something on the clutch install, so I made a plate to bolt up to the bell housing with a nut welded to it. I then ran a bolt through the welded nut to engage the clutch throwout arm and it definitely worked in disengaging the clutch. I went ahead and ordered the HD hydraulics from Valair. Should be here Wednesday. I'm praying that works. It's got to be the problem right? stock clutch from what I can find on the web has a 2800# pressure plate, and mine has a 3800# pressure plate.
Finally, I got the exhaust finished up all the way to the tip. I added a rubber hanger off the muffler. I'm still working on the core support, but it's getting close. Today I'm also going to set the bed on to get the shackle height for the rear just right.

The dual filter setup does spin out of the way:

Firewall bracket for the hydrobooster modified:

Mounted up



the brake pedal modified:

exhaust finalized:

Clutch master cylinder plate:

mounted up:

And where it was bending from the high pressure plate:

and the big moment:


Got a lot more done, this thing is so damn close to be finished! Unfortunately I had to come back home and back to the real world, so it will probably be another month or so before I get to work on it again.

Fabbed up the rear shackle hangers and reused the original shackles, used the old pins for the shock mounts and stuck with the staggered setup on the Dana 80. Two of the old shocks even fit perfectly. The front core support is finished- i cut it up a ton to fit the 99 intercooler and radiator in, then welded in a bunch of 1" angle iron. Grill and the bottom body faring or whatever it's called are definitely not going to fit with the much taller intercooler, but the good news is that I have about 3.5 inches to slide in some fans. The bed is back bolted on, and the fenders are on- the drivers side still needs some adjusting to get the door gap wide enough. I have just about all of the cab wired, though my "new" harness came from a truck with all the options, so i still need to find a wiper switch with an intermittent feature, and locate an a/c motor resistor. Other than that, I need a couple brake lines, install the new clutch hydraulics, find a top radiator hose that will fit, and get some shocks for the front and this thing is ready to roll! I can't freakin wait. Here are tons of pics from the last work week:

Still on the adjustable shackle to get the stance just right, it matches my uncle's 2003 perfectly:

The exhaust side:

really short belt- i read that running electric fans saves about 20 hp....

rear suspension finalized:


The core support, with the 1in square tubing is really really solid:

The space for the electric fans:

Proof that a BHAF will fit with the ASA modifies intake tube:

the interior wiring almost done:

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