1987 Hilux SR5 Turbo Build


After a couple of shakedown runs, me and my dad headed off down to Colorado for the FJ Summit. Our first trail run was the Alpine Loop.

We found out that the engine doesn't get enough airflow in low range, and the heat just builds up under the bonnet and can't go anywhere, causing the engine to get hot (especially on steep climbs). Taking the bonnet off helped a lot.








The final trail run was Imogene. Out of the three that we did, I think that Imogene was my favourite!

A nice 80 series that was with us

This photo is mandatory



Airy mail

Spot the ugly duckling!




Gotta give a rev in a tunnel, no matter how small!


After the FJ Summit, I ordered a snorkel. I had to get one meant for a 167 series Hilux, because the intake is now in the right had side.

The scary part

Finished product: It's not a perfect fit, but it is pretty good.

Then I went out in the mountains


Help! Flex needed!



Everything was running absolutely perfect! I had even gotten the temperatures down off road, but the cheap boost controller failed, causing the engine to get too much boost. This made it run very lean and bend a rod. I tried to limp it home, but the knocking got so bad, and then it died.

This is how it looked like an hour after we got home

I still need to take the engine apart to confirm my suspicions.


Ouch, looks like you are making very quick work of it at least. Are you going to rebuild it or just get another JDM engine? Did the waste gate line fall or the controller or something? I assume next time you'll be using a boost and/or AFR gauge?
Cool little truck.

What plans do you have to help get the hot air out of the engine bay?

I'd love to see more pics of the truck during the engine repair process. Don't forget this time...!


Ouch, looks like you are making very quick work of it at least. Are you going to rebuild it or just get another JDM engine? Did the waste gate line fall or the controller or something? I assume next time you'll be using a boost and/or AFR gauge?

It might be cheaper to just get another engine, but we'll see after I have time to tear the engine apart. I saw a massive spike in boost and immediately let off. Then I started to hear ticking, which gradually got worse and soon was full on knocking. When I opened the bonnet, the controller adjusting knob was missing (I have no idea how, I tightened it with a set screw)! I will definitely be running an AFR gauge from here on out!

Cool little truck.

What plans do you have to help get the hot air out of the engine bay?

I'd love to see more pics of the truck during the engine repair process. Don't forget this time...!

As for the hot air, a couple vents toward the rear of the bonnet on either side should work wonders! (I just haven't found some that I like the look of.) I don't know if some vents + a scoop would work well together. Would cool air that comes in the scoop be the same cool air that leaves the vents instead of hot air? I would love to get someone else's opinion on that!
I will definitely be documenting the whole process in better detail!


It might be cheaper to just get another engine, but we'll see after I have time to tear the engine apart. I saw a massive spike in boost and immediately let off. Then I started to hear ticking, which gradually got worse and soon was full on knocking. When I opened the bonnet, the controller adjusting knob was missing (I have no idea how, I tightened it with a set screw)! I will definitely be running an AFR gauge from here on out!

As for the hot air, a couple vents toward the rear of the bonnet on either side should work wonders! (I just haven't found some that I like the look of.) I don't know if some vents + a scoop would work well together. Would cool air that comes in the scoop be the same cool air that leaves the vents instead of hot air? I would love to get someone else's opinion on that!
I will definitely be documenting the whole process in better detail!

I suspect your correct on the new engine being cheaper. Thats scary about the boost controller, I've always thought the manual/screw type ones were supposed to be less finicky but apparently the extra vibration you see off road vs. on a track/street causes issues.

For the heat issues do you have any room behind the radiator to use one of the heat extracting "reverse scoops"? Maybe with some quick ducting to help force air out the scoop? That should help remove the majority of your heat from the radiator/intercooler/ac condenser. If that isn't heat removal you can do small scoops at the back of the hood towards the windows but probably wouldn't be necessary.


For the heat issues do you have any room behind the radiator to use one of the heat extracting "reverse scoops"? Maybe with some quick ducting to help force air out the scoop? That should help remove the majority of your heat from the radiator/intercooler/ac condenser. If that isn't heat removal you can do small scoops at the back of the hood towards the windows but probably wouldn't be necessary.

That's part of the problem, there is absolutely no room at all behind the radiator. Everything is crammed in there! Another issue is that the radiator isn't quite getting enough air even with fans, because there is a big intercooler right in front of it, and the grill/air openings in the front aren't that big. I do have an idea that I think might be cool; I was thinking about moving the rad just behind the cab, and making ducts/scoops (probably fiberglass) that go from the rad, and replace the xtra cab windows. So windows would now be openings for smooth air ducts. This would open up the engine bay and allow more air to get to the rad, bringing down temperature. It is just an idea and would be a *Trump voice* HUGE undertaking for sure, but I think I can do it!


That's part of the problem, there is absolutely no room at all behind the radiator. Everything is crammed in there! Another issue is that the radiator isn't quite getting enough air even with fans, because there is a big intercooler right in front of it, and the grill/air openings in the front aren't that big. I do have an idea that I think might be cool; I was thinking about moving the rad just behind the cab, and making ducts/scoops (probably fiberglass) that go from the rad, and replace the xtra cab windows. So windows would now be openings for smooth air ducts. This would open up the engine bay and allow more air to get to the rad, bringing down temperature. It is just an idea and would be a *Trump voice* HUGE undertaking for sure, but I think I can do it!

Yeah, re-looking at your pictures you have zero room back there. Going full rally car/trophy truck and moving the radiator behind the cab sounds awesome but as you mentioned that is a ******** ton of work! But then again I'm sure swapping that engine was also a huge PITA so sounds like you got it handled.

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