1500 trouble free miles....well until last night. It seems the coolant level sensor in the radiator decided to jump ship. Luckily I had a spare on another radiator in the garage, but it left a 1/2" opening in the radiator until I got it home. Tossed the spare in there and refilled the coolant today. Looks like the metal clip that holds it in place had failed. Since it wasn't hooked with wiring I lost the old one somewhere at night on the road, just checked local parts stores, it's $50 to replace so good thing I had a spare. Hopefully this one doesn't fail in the future. The port is "D" shaped on the radiator so I can't use some heater hose to delete it with a plug, but that was the first thing on my mind to do. I trust a heater hose clamp a lot more than this thing wire. Might zip tie the sensor in place somehow so if it pops off at least I won't lose it entirely.