The second item that I tackled was the parking brake assembly. Since the Jeep has come back into my possession the parking brake didn't work. The pedal had too much play in the left/right direction preventing the parking brake from remaining engaged. If you set the brake and then bumped the pedal, moved the jeep, or waited long enough the pedal would disengage and the Jeep would roll away. The parking brake assembly needed to have the side to side movement removed to allow the parking brake to function correctly.
Here is what I started with. The rivet in the venter of the assembly had stretched some and allowed for the pedal to move side to side.
Originally was going to remove the rivet head on the assembly, then drill and tap the remaining portion for a 1/4" stud. The stud would only need to compress the parts of the assembly together, as the arm would still rotate on the original rivet. However, after drilling out the rivet, the 1/4" tap that I was using broke off. After a few hours of unsuccessfully attempting to get the broken tap out I gave up and removed the rivet.
I cut the rivet flush on the front side (side that faces into the cab). Then I drilled out the rivet with a 1/2" drill bit for a 1/2" bolt. This still left the the back side (side that faces wall of the cab) of the rivet tac welded to the assembly. With the 1/2" hole I was able to see were the rivet met up with the mounting plate, this allowed me to use a 3/4" drill bit to drill out the face (backside) of the rivet until I was almost to the mounting plate. Then using a cut off wheel on a Dremel I made relief cuts in the remaining outer ring of the rivet. The areas not tac welded to the mounting plate fell right off. I then used a grinding bit on the Dremel to remove the remaining portions of the rivet. It was a bit more tedious but I did not have to repair the mounting plate.
With the rivet removed the mounting plate was given a refresh before reassembly.
To reassemble the parking brake assembly a 1/2" x 2-1/4" bolt cut down to about 1-1/8" was used. This length was chosen as it allowed for the pedal arm to rotate on the smooth portion of the bold, while providing enough threads to thread on a lock nut.
Reassembled and ready to be installed again.
A low profile locking nut is about the same depth as the original rivet was, so it didn't affect reinstallation of the parking brake assembly when installed back into the truck.