1991 Isuzu Trooper LS - 2.8L Auto - It begins....


Thanks for the link. Will be figuring out brakes a few months down the road. Right now have to get wheel bearings, rear shocks and do a serious tune up on it. Think I might have a leak with the tranny, so filter and gaskets are on deck for the tune-up.

Speaking of tranny's... So far I can only locate one aftermarket torque converter, and it lists USA for $1500.xx give or take. Have yet to locate a shift kit. But again, that's a down the road project. Baby-steps until then.

Rust wise... he's not good. Both lower rockers under the rear doors are hosed. Both back doors (*** end of truck) are pretty much done in as well. We're still not sure if we will do a body-swap (can find a good body/frame for $500-1000 out on the Island) or do the camper mod.

yours looks pretty comparable to mine bodywise, it isnt showing all the rust it really has . i have work ahead of me on it though. i plan on a post zombie /apocolypse 4x4 when done
for more stopping power try this this will explain the big brake mod
http://forum.planetisuzoo.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=88443&p=778427&hilit=big+brake#p778427 :chef:


New member
I'm glad to see more Troopers popping up on here. I have a 1991 too. Have you checked out Independent4x? I believe they carry a lot of the things you are looking for (stainless steel brake lines, aftermarket axles, etc.) and I've heard of a few other guys getting them to build custom bumpers. Did you manage to get on planetisuzoo? I'm also on there under the same name.

FYI: My fuel tank is 21.9 gallons (4 cylinder) and I believe it is the same for the V6. Last time I checked I'm getting around 16 mpg on the highway.
As for manual hubs, check the classifieds section on planetisuzoo. I saw a guy selling a set of Aisin hubs on there the other day for pretty cheap.


Still no luck getting on Planet. No idea what's up with that.

Project has been on hold for the past few months as finances get worked out.


I know that feeling Ive waited 3 months to pull the trigger on the EFI to Carb swap. finally have it all coming my way.


And It Begins...

Ordered last week:
- Rancho RS5000 Shocks rear shocks
- Waterpump- $59.43 (includes gasket)
- Upper Rad hose
- lower Rad hose
- thermostat & seal
- inner wheel bearing (times 2)
- outer wheel bearing (times 2)
- Idler Arms

Today I pick up the cooling system parts and am also looking for a good off-road AM/FM antenna (going to see what they have in stock VS what they can order).

Still need:
6 NGK spark plugs
K&N Air Filter
rear brake pads (performance quality)
front brake pads (performance quality)
HQ spark wire set (found a set through Amazon)

Tires. Have decided to go with the BF Goodrich AT KO2s. I'm going to do a fitting of my aftermarket old school 4x4 16" rims (which should fit perfectly - old set of ranchers). Thoughts on largest size 16" rim and just in case the other rims don't fit, 15" rim that I can safely run without a lift kit?

Semi-off topic: Is it true I can swap out the 2.8 for a 3.4 from say a Camaro? And remember, I have the auto tranny on this old boy.

Hope to get photos as work gets done.

Cheers for now,


The Credible Hulk
Semi-off topic: Is it true I can swap out the 2.8 for a 3.4 from say a Camaro? And remember, I have the auto tranny on this old boy.
Yep, it's as close to a bolt-in swap as it gets for a Trooper. If you aren't on Planet Isuzoo get there, lots of knowledge there on this swap.


Yep, it's as close to a bolt-in swap as it gets for a Trooper. If you aren't on Planet Isuzoo get there, lots of knowledge there on this swap.

Would love to be there... but the admin email is invalid and all attempts to contact technical support have failed.


Ended up grabbing the KN filter as they had it in stock.

Knock on wood, parts will be installed by early next week, and let's hope that addresses the leak (praying it isn't the head).

If I wanted to install an after market rad while I'm doing the rest of the cooling system, anyone have any recommendations on a brand/model? (and I'm in Canada remember).

Did I mention, starting to get excited?



Would love to be there... but the admin email is invalid and all attempts to contact technical support have failed.

Did you register under the same name on the Planet? I'll post over there and see if someone can help.

There are few of us here from the Planet forums, let us know what named you registered under and I'm sure one of us can find someone to get you registered on the Planet.


And update on project.

Hit Lordco this week, again ode to timing and funds.

Picked up:
- new set of NGK spark plugs
- new set of NGK wires
- distributor cap
- rotor (pick up Monday)
- flexible generic antenna (will see how this goes)
- idler arms (pick up Monday)
- rear shocks (pick up Monday)
- inner & outer front wheel bearings
- 4L of oil
- 4L of unmixed anti-freeze
- 4L of tranny fluid
- two mini concave mirrors (don't know how anyone drives without these)

It is scheduled to go in to have water pump installed Tuesday morning. I'm going to see how much Ryan and his crew will charge to install wheel bearings.

So... questions....

Front Wheel Bearings
- Anyone have a link to a how-to or a video of this ?
- My suspension/tire shop quoted me 3.65 hours? Like really? Is it that bad of a job to do?
- Any special tools needed, or should I let the professionals do it?

Idler Arms
- Seems pretty straight forward? Any tips, how-to's, advise?
- Anyone got the specs for how much torque is needed for this?
- Any special tools required?

Rear Shocks
- Again, looks straight forward and I assume I can tackle this
- Any specials tools needed?
- Any tips?
- Torque spec's?

The hope at this point is that by next Saturday, all of the work will be done. Yes, tons more to do. But after this bit, it's onto tires.

The more I actually get into this truck, the more I think we may have been played by the seller. Rear bumper is toast in the centre section, so onto working on plans to create one. In the centre console area, under the front part, there are a couple of unconnected wire ends (have photos) - And yeah the rocker panels are not great, so at some point will be addressing that or doing a body swap (that can wait a year or more). Got both windshield washer pumps working. Back had a disconnected hose and the front, no idea - I took it apart, checked it all, cleaned it, put it back together, refilled it and it now works - go figure.

Still trying to figure out where to place two auxiliary batteries. And have started working up drawings for front bumper.

But yeah, we love him. He's great little truck to tool around the city in.

Thanks again for all the help.

And yes, I do have photos, just need to figure out where I am uploading them to.




Water pump, thermostat and new lower and upper rad hoses installed. Tested great at the mechanic, got it home only to discover it is still leaking coolant (however rad still looked full).

I assume this means it is in fact the head gasket that is toast.

Project has come to complete stop while we figure out next move.

Thanks for all the support and info folks. Hope to have something sorted within a couple of weeks and be back on a Trooper project (just maybe a different Trooper).


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