1991 XJ Project "Carlos"


Been down all those roads before. I like my 8.8 in my tj and I've beefed up a 35 and a 8.25 before too.
The other xj is running a 8.25 w/ all the goodies right now. I have no complaints.
But, I know the 8.8 pretty intimately and would gladly run it in this jeep too although I'm not going to build it as extreme as the tj's.
Thanks for posting up the info though 👍


This thing was partially gutted when I got it. Need to find some parts and doo-dads.
Interior is in for the most part but I really need some manual seat sliders for the other xj and I'll put the power seat from it into this one. It's froze up so bad that I had to partially cut it out.
The Mrs. Wants manual seats anyways.
I have no prollem eliminating any electronic item from a jeep.


Last night the young feller and I decided we'd pop apart the visors and re upholster them. I'll have some pix when we finish. They were really nasty from getting wet fir a year and a half.


thanks for the input.
im gonna try to clean it first just to see how successful that can be but I'm picking up a harness this weekend off of a junker just incase. plus jeep yoga is fun!


some pix of the zj master and booster compared to the ABS system:

I've done this swap before and the brakes were great afterwards.
the bolt pattern is the same but the bolts are smaller on the vacuum booster.
ill have to monkey with the pinch weld a bit.
the rod is the same length and i think the hole is close.



the young man removing the fuse panel

soaking in a 50/50 vinegar water mix

after. id say it looks somewhat better...

not sure what this breaker is for. its on the drivers side kick panel


Hey guys!
Been messing with this jeep some more as time allows. Here's some pix of interior parts I painted and dyed using duplicolor products.



Painted the column too. Adhesion promotor was used on all plastics. Dyed the vinyls and carpet.

We also installed the rusty's door armor the lad got for crimmas.


It's been a while my friends. Here's an update, I thought I had pix but they must be on Facebook.
Anyways I wanted to tell ya:

The master cylinder is all plumbed in and the brakes are awesome as expected. Me and the young fella did a front end alignment and Carlos has about 3/16" toe.

One of the top front bushings was hashed out so we changed it too.

Still need to move the exhaust and cut the front fenders.

The other reason things are moving slow is I will not work on this rig unless he's right there with me. No free rides. I bleed, you bleed.
Put the phone down (he got it when he got the license) get off your butt and make it happen. That is all 😎

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