1992 Ford Dora the Explorer Build

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Great build! I love to see people get all the potential they can out of these trucks.

Glad to read you are reading on the other forums. Tons and tons of good info.

For your pinging problem, you might try cleaning the carbon buildup out of your intake manifold. (Since you have checked everything else) Pull it off, soak it and blast it, to remove as much crud as possible. The buildup has been know to hold heat, which can add to/induce pinging. No promises, but it is something else to try.

Also, did you replace the TTB arm pivot bushings? It looks like you used bushings from Energy Suspension for everything else. They make a nice replacement pivot bushing - it will really tighten up the front end.


And here Gentlemen is what expedition travel is all about, taking what you got, adding what you need, and getting out there to explore life. Great build and outlook on life. Love it!


Thanks for the kind words all!

Scott, I already got radius arm and axle pivot bushings, but I haven't had the time to install them. I also got new engine and tranny mounts. Hopefully knock those out when I get back.


What do you mean by asinine PSI numbers? Should it run higher or lower psi?

I recall 26 PSI is what Ford listed for the stock tires on 1st & 2nd-gen Explorers... Waaaayyyy too low (this was partly to blame for the Firestone tire fiasco involving the Ex some 14 years ago and is why TPMSs are being forced upon us on new vehicles now). 35 PSI would give not only better MPG (plus better handling too), but much better tire life also. Of course the ride will be a bit more coarse, though good shocks can help counteract that (Bilsteins are worth every penny, especially up front).

I probably wouldn't suggest ditching the CB entirely (not everyone has a ham ticket for any number of various reasons), instead I find the two radios tend to compliment each other (the MURS/FRS/GMRS bands can be useful as well). 10-20 miles is not uncommon range between two properly set up mobile CB stations running good equipment. Of course if you need to put out a call for help in a remote area, I do agree a ham setup is likelier to garner a response provided you know of a repeater in the area (or have a HF setup).


Expedition Leader
unless I missed it, I didn't see what size tire you are running?

great thread so far, looking forward to more updates!


This is great- I echo what the others have said. And whoda thunk it with an old Explorer? What a great build with good ideas. I love the astroturf! :D Props for the big AK trip- I'd love to do that someday.


As an original owner of 92 xlt, I say very very cool. Been holding on to my X, and youve inspire me to stop lookin for xpo vehicle. How are the geolanders working out, in the wet, cornerinng stiffness? Did u replace front headlights, yours look pretty, clean. Gonna add the sleeping platform too, Would like to see how the radio set up in your dash looks like? Did you add extra gages?
Safe adventures to u..


These are great trucks. You're going to enjoy it, especially once you get it totally finished. My now gone 93 Exploder gave me 213854 trouble free miles. Passed it on to gentleman in need. I added 2" lift with Warn Shackles and I think, Skyjacker front springs. The Warn Transformer was in somebody's front yard with a "Free sign", I only had to buy the frame/mount adapter. Picked up the SURCO rack off Craigslist. Hope you have as much fun in yours as I had in mine. I explored every dirt road and logging and jeep trail in N. Georgia in mine for years.


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