1994 International 4700 Conversion Begins


Excellent information folks, thank you. Joaquin, you're set up is pretty much what I had in mind and it looks pretty accessible. I had no idea fork lifts are normally liquid draw. You learn something everyday! There are pro's and cons to the portable units and the stationary units. Once mine is installed it will be up under the body hidden fairly well. I don't know if I want to be getting up in there to remove the tank when it's empty. Going to have to hash out the details and pull the trigger before too long. Getting tired of dragging the 20lb units around when I am out and about!


Yes sir, thanks Bob. Junk yards are on my priority list of places to stop. I'm making some calls this week to see what I can find.


Addicted to Gear Oil
Another benefit to portable tanks is that if you have a tow vehicle (I usually tow my Jeep Scrambler down to Baja) You can lighter one of the tanks along with the other important supplies (like cerveca's) when you "go to town", thus be able to keep your "4 wheel drive condominium" stationary for weeks/ months.

Excellent point Joaquin, and worthy of consideration when traveling to other parts of the world. Not having to take the mothership into town for a refill can be a good thing. I read a blog from couple driving through Africa in a Unimog, they had 6 different adapter hoses made so they could use whichever style propane tanks were easiest to acquire in the region they were in.


With help from you folks, I am armed with more knowledge and on an aggressive hunt for cylinders. If I find a good source for permanently mounted or portable tanks I will certainly share. Thanks for the link Joaquin, I will be calling them!



With help from you folks, I am armed with more knowledge and on an aggressive hunt for cylinders. If I find a good source for permanently mounted or portable tanks I will certainly share. Thanks for the link Joaquin, I will be calling them!


That looks sleek, so don't get me wrong. But, what's to prevent you (and then, us, as we follow your lead) from using regular 20lb "grill" tanks? That's how we're leaning at the moment... easy to refill, cheap to buy, portable... with a few adapters, it seems like that would work great almost anywhere. Are we missing something important?


Morning Ross, BBQ bottles are designed to operate sitting vertical. That was all I knew until folks here provided some additional knowledge on the subject. Since most camp devices (as far as I know) are based on vapor from the propane off gassing and not the actual liquid. BBQ tanks can't lay on their sides for use or the vapor pick up tube is submerged in liquid.

Thanks to the folks here, I now know most fork lifts rely on the liquid in the bottle and not the vapor. So; internally, it's all about where the pick up tube is located in the tank. They do make some tanks that are vapor service only, others that are both and others that are liquid service only. I've found a few tanks on Amazon which are vapor service only $352.00 each.

I am trying to figure out whether or not the connection will work with standard BBQ connections. I doubt it, I believe the vapor connection is left hand thread. I am trying to get comfirmation from the manufacturer. Considering it's not likely to work, I believe this is why Joaquin had to have his custom made with the proper connection. If you have a nice spot picked out to keep your BBQ bottles vertical, you should have no worries. Myself, I am going to put one or two up under the box similar to the way Joaquin has done. I have a well protected spot for them under the box.
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Well, the manufacturer got back with me and the tank I mentioned above is for vapor but designed for propane powered lawnmowers and the fitting is not the same as the BBQ. I am sure all this is old news to Joaquin as he probably ran into this same issue during his build. The most expensive option I could purchase today seems to be the ASME style tanks. Unfortunately, the ASME tanks are intended to be a permanent mount. I don't want permanently mounted tanks.

Fortunately, they do make horizontal BBQ cylinders but they are intended to be bolted down to something not "up" under something. So; what I am thinking, is purchasing this type of cylinder and the straps to hold them in place rather than bolt them down. Not necessarily this combo but something like it.

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That looks interesting and I'm definitely following along. I didn't clarify in my post that I was going to keep my bottles vertical. I knew that much and I've got the room for them upright. But beyond that, unless it's a space requirement, is there any other reason to go with the horizontal tank? Or is it just mounting/placement logistics?


For me it's purely space, placement and a theoretical safety factor. I do have the space in many of the possible side compartments but I don't want to take up the storage space. Underneath the truck in front and behind the rear wheels on the passenger side I have empty space which will accommodate 1-20lb propane tank fore and aft. In the event I spring a leak, I prefer the leak stayed outside the vehicle or compartment for the safety factor. I always try to hope for the best and plan for the worst! I also have a plan to design a stowable table/mount that sits over the outer rear tire (more on that later). The placement of the tanks would put me a tank at each end of the table. However, for what I do I can probably get away with 1 tank and the space behind the rear tires may be used for a water tank and pump. That way, I have the ability to clean up as needed. I swear, that's not the same can!

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I took advantage of the "cooler" weather this morning after a pretty good storm last night and took a couple pictures to help explain what it is I am trying to do. A horizontal tank is needed for this to work the way I want it to. I was surprised to learn there are pretty limited options in tank mounting options, tank type and fitting combinations. It was one of those "What, no one makes this?" moments while searching for what I am after.
Tank 1.jpg
Tank 2.jpg

In front of the tank is the side wall of the box. I plan on running a propane hose to permanently mounted propane connections on the outside of the truck.
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That looks like a good fit and use of space, if you can find a tank that will allow the vapor withdrawal while horizontal. We're definitely following along! If you find a tank, but need a bracket, come on up to Flag and we'll weld one up for you. You'll have to bring some of your silver measuring sticks, though...


Morning Ross, yeah...for better or worse, I knew when I noticed that space under there I would put a propane tank in it at some point. I very well may take you up on the bracket offer! Always looking for a good excuse to take a trip! I've got some ideas which will allow me to pivot the tank down away from the truck for easier access to the tank when it's empty and it all involves welding. I always keep measuring sticks handy, you never know when you might need one!


You gotta love Craigslist! Found the correct tank I was after, now for the fun of figuring out how I want to mount it.
Tank 3.jpg


We might be able make that work OZ, I will be laying on my creeper with my measuring sticks just thinking for a little while. The picture I posted of the brackets previously are out of Canada. I've sent them an email asking for cost and availability. I don't think they'll be too bad. I would expect they'd be under $50 but you never know. I like them because they are not quick release. They are simple enough to build but I figure with the cost of raw materials these days it might be easier/cheaper just to buy them.

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