Second battery
The second battery project went well. I still need to install the solar panel but am waiting to build a roof rack, which is behind painting the roof...
I learned a lot from others on the forum and a few things from my experience. I purchased the 2AWG welding cable and 5/16" copper ring terminals. That worked for the batter but all the other connections were 3/8" so I recommend buying both. I also bought a Cable lug crimper tool with the ratchet crimp. This was the BEST purchase for this project and for $27 I highly recommend it. One last thing, I ran out of the heat shrink so order a lot of that stuff. I makes the connections look much cleaner.

I decided to go with a battery box to house the battery to make it easier to secure in the vehicle and to keep it sealed from other stuff that could fly around when off road. Since I'm going with solar, I mounted the charge controller directly to the box.

I looked at several different locations and came up with the old spare tire spot. I had to trim away some of the plastic to make it fit. There are two 5/16" bolts used to secure the base of the tire mount which were perfect for mounting the battery box. I ran the the ground through the floor and tapped it into the frame. I was then able to run the positive cable, (#2AWG), all the way to the firewall and the only spot you see it is going into the plastic in this photo. It came through the firewall and attached to the computer wiring to the box you see in the photo below.

I then went into the empty box in the engine compartment that I guess is used for spare tools etc.

So this was how I wired it all up. I ran a lead from the battery to the box and ran it directly into a 200 AMP breaker. I chose to go with the breakers over fuses simply because I wanted to easily shut off a circuit as needed and didn't want to run out of fuses while fixing a problem should I encounter one. From there I went into the 200 amp islolator and then through another breaker. That breaker goes back to the "house" battery. You will note one extra breaker that is powered from the vehicle battery off the isolator. That is for my winch so I can leave power off it until needed.

The last little item I highly recommend is the rockford battery post extender. They did a great job with this and it really works well.
I also purchased some gauges and a fuse box but that will be for the next day set aside to work on this. Eventually I will be able to monitor both batteries from the front and the rear battery from the back of the vehicle.